PRO POWER PP000065 线缆, 黑色, 0.22 mm², 7 x 0.2mm, 1640.42 ft, 500 m
The is a 0.22mm² black PVC Equipment Wire with tinned copper conductor. It involves BS4808 part 2 class 2 and 61-12 PT6 type 2 reference standard.
型号/品牌 | 代替类型 | 替代型号对比 |
PP000065 PRO Power | 当前型号 | 当前型号 |
SPC00452A002 25M Brand Rex | 类似代替 | PP000065和SPC00452A002 25M的区别 |
1550 BK005 Alpha Wire | 功能相似 | PP000065和1550 BK005的区别 |
MC7/0.2 TYPE 2 BLK 500M PRO Power | 功能相似 | PP000065和MC7/0.2 TYPE 2 BLK 500M的区别 |