


简 介:漫威漫画的美国队长:复仇者先锋专注于漫威宇宙的早期阶段,史蒂夫·罗杰斯自愿参加了一个实验计划,将他变成了被称为美国队长的超级士兵。 OVERVIEW:Marvel’s “Captain America: The First Avenger” focuses on the early days of the Marvel Universe when Steve Rogers volunteers to participate in an experimental program that turns him into the Super Soldier known as Captain America. 124 min July 22, 2011


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No English 漫威影业

Are you the guys from Washington? 你是华盛顿人吗?

You get many other visitors out here? 还有别人来这个地方吗?

How long you been on-site? 你到这里多久了?

Since this morning. 早上就到了

A Russian oil team called it in about 18 hours ago. 18小时前 俄罗斯石油队发现的一个

How come nobody spotted it before? 为什么以前没发现?

It's really not that surprising. 没什么好奇怪的

This landscape's changing all the time. 这里的地貌一直在变化

You got any idea what this thing is exactly? 你知道这是什么吗?

I don't know. It's probably a weather balloon. 不知道 也许是气象气球

I don't think so. 我觉得不是

You know, we don't have the equipment for a job like this. 我们没有专这种事的专用设备

How long before we can start craning it out? 什么时候开始挖掘?

I don't think you quite understand. 我想你还没搞清楚

You guys are gonna need one hell of a crane. 你需要一架超级起重机

Base, we're in. 基地 我们进去了

What is this? 这是什么

Careful. 小心点

Lieutenant! 中尉

- What is it? - My God. -这是什么 -天啊

Base, get me a line to the Colonel. 基地 帮我接上校

It's 3:00 a.m., sir. 现在是凌晨三点 长官

I don't care what time it is. 我不在乎现在的几点

This one's waited long enough. 他已经等够久了

No English 挪威 滕斯贝格 1942年3月

They've come for it. 他们来找它

They have before. 以前有人来过

Not like this. 这次不一样

Let them come. 让他们来吧

They'll never find it. 他们找不到的

Open it! 快打开

Quickly, before he... font face="宋体" color="teal">快点 否则他要…

It has taken me a long time to find this place. 我花了很久才找到这里

You should be commended. 你真该获得褒奖

Help him up. 扶他起来

I think that you are a man of great vision. 我觉得你是个很有远见的人

And, in this way, we are much alike. 这点我们很像

I am nothing like you. 我跟你才不一样

No, of course, but what others see as superstition, 是啊 但其他人看做是迷信的东西

you and I know to be a science. 你我却都知道是科学

What you seek is just a legend. 你要找的东西不过是传说

Then why make such an effort to conceal it? 那又何必这么大费周章地藏它

The Tesseract was the jewel of Odin's treasure room. 宇宙魔方是奥丁最珍贵的瑰宝

It is not something one buries. 这东西不该被埋起来

But I think it is close, yes? 但我觉得已经很接近了

- I cannot help you. - No. -我帮不了你 -是啊

But maybe you can help your village. 但也许你能帮帮你的村子

You must have some friends out there. 那里一定有你的朋友

Some little grandchildren, perhaps? 可能还有一些小孩子

I have no need for them to die. 你不希望他们死吧

Yggdrasil. 世界树

Tree of the world. 世界之树

Guardian of wisdom. 守护着智慧

And fate, also. 还有命运

And the Führer digs for trinkets in the desert. 元首竟还在沙漠里挖破烂

You have never seen this, have you? 你并没见过这个 是吧

It's not for the eyes of ordinary men. 这不是给凡人看的

Exactly. 没错

Give the order to open fire. 下令开火

Fool! 蠢货

You cannot control the power you hold. 你驾驭不了那种力量

You will burn! 你会业火烧身的

I already have. 我烧过了

O'Connell, Michael. 迈克尔·奥康纳

Kaminsky, Henry. 亨利·卡明斯基

Boy, a lot of guys getting killed over there. 天哪 战死了这么多人

No English 纳粹再夺日托米尔

Rogers, Steven. 史蒂文·罗杰斯

It kind of makes you think twice about enlisting, huh? 是不是有点让人不想参军了

Nope. 没有

Rogers. 罗杰斯

What did your father die of? 你父亲因什么过世

Mustard gas. 芥子气

No English 一战时流行的生化武器

He was in the 107th Infantry. 他曾服役于107步兵团

- I was hoping I could be assigned... - Your mother? -我也希望能被指派到… -你母亲呢

She was a nurse in a TB ward. 她是结核病房的护士

Got hit. Couldn't shake it. 她被传染了 没挺过去

No English 病例汇总 哮喘 猩红热 风湿热 鼻炎 慢性或急性伤寒 高血压 心悸 乏力 心脏病 精神紧张 曾在家接触到肺结核病毒 近亲患有糖尿病

Sorry, son. 对不起 孩子

Look, just give me a chance. 给我个机会吧

You'd be ineligible on your asthma alone. 光哮喘这一项就不行

Is there anything you can do? 你就不能做些什么吗

I'm doing it. 我在做

I'm saving your life. 我在救你

No English 不合格

War continues to ravage Europe. 战火继续肆虐欧洲

But help is on the way. 但援兵即将赶到

Every able-bodied young man is lining up to serve his country. 所有健康的适龄青年都准备参军报国

Even little Timmy is doing his part 就连小蒂米也出力了

collecting scrap metal. 帮忙收集废金属

Nice work, Timmy! 干得好 蒂米

Who cares? 谁关心这个

Play the movie already! 赶紧放电影

Hey, you wanna show some respect? 放尊重点

Meanwhile, overseas, 与此同时 在海外战场上

our brave boys are showing the Axis powers 勇敢的士兵们正让轴心国明白

that the price of freedom is never too high. 为了自由他们愿付出一切

Let's go! Get on with it! 得了 快放电影

Hey, just start the cartoon! 快放动画片

Hey, you wanna shut up? 你给我闭嘴

Together with Allied forces, 只要盟军齐心协力

we'll face any threat, no matter the size. 就能迎战一切大小威胁

You just don't know when to give up, do you? 你就是不知道何时该放弃 是吧

I can do this all day. 我可以和你耗一整天

Pick on someone your own size. 要打去找个块头一样大的

Sometimes I think you like getting punched. 有时候我觉得你就是喜欢挨揍

I had him on the ropes. 我就要打败他了

How many times is this? 这都第几次了

You're from Paramus now? 这次是帕拉默斯人了

You know it's illegal to lie on the enlistment form. 你知道在征兵表上造假是违法的吗

And seriously, Jersey? 居然还是新泽西

You get your orders? 你接到命令了吗

The 107th. 107步兵团

Sergeant James Barnes, 詹姆斯·巴恩斯中士

shipping out for England first thing tomorrow. 明早起航开赴英国

I should be going. 我也该一起去

Come on, man. 来吧 哥们

My last night! 我出发前的最后一晚

I got to get you cleaned up. 得先帮你收拾一下

Why? Where are we going? 怎么 我们要去哪

The future. 未来

No English 明日世界博览会

I don't see what the problem is. 我没觉得有什么问题

You're about to be the last eligible man in New York. 你就要成为纽约仅剩的适龄男子了

You know there's three and a half million women here? 这里可有350万的女人呢

Well, I'd settle for just one. 有一个我就满足了

Good thing I took care of that. 好在我已经搞定了

Hey, Bucky! 巴基

What'd you tell her about me? 你怎么和她说我的

Only the good stuff. 都是好话

Welcome to the Modern Marvels Pavilion 欢迎来到现代奇观展馆

and the World of Tomorrow. 以及明日世界

A greater world. 更强大的世界

A better world. 更美丽的世界

Oh, my God! 我的天啊

It's starting! 开始了

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Howard Stark! 女士们先生们 有请霍华德·斯塔克先生

I love you, Howard! 我爱你 霍华德

Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们先生们

what if I told you that in just a few short years, 要是我告诉你 就在短短几年后

your automobile won't even have to touch the ground at all? 你的汽车就再也不用碰到地面呢

Yes. 是的

Thanks, Mandy. 谢谢 曼蒂

With Stark Gravitic Reversion Technology 凭借斯塔克的反重力科技

you'll be able to do just that. 这将成为可能

Holy cow. 我的神啊

I did say a few years, didn't I? 我说了还要再过几年 是吧

No English 美国军队需要你 马上参军

Hey, Steve, what do you say we treat these girls... 史蒂夫 我们请这俩姑娘去…

No English 美国三军招募处

Come on, soldier. 走吧 大兵

Come on. You're kind of missing the point of a double date. 走吧 你不来还叫什么双人约会

We're taking the girls dancing. 我们带她们去跳舞

You go ahead. I'll catch up with you. 你去吧 我一会儿来找你们

You're really going to do this again? 你真要再试一次吗

Well, it's a fair. I'm gonna try my luck. 反正这是嘉年华 我碰碰运气

As who, Steve from Ohio? 这次又是哪 俄亥俄州吗

They'll catch you. Or worse, they'll actually take you. 他们会发现的 要是他们收了你就更糟

Look, I know you don't think I can do this. 我知道你觉得我不行

This isn't a back alley, Steve. It's war. 这可不是后巷里打架 史蒂夫 这是打仗

- I know it's a war. - Why are you so keen to fight? -我知道这是打仗 -你为什么非要去参战

There are so many important jobs. 还有很多重要工作呢

- What do you want me to do? Collect scrap metal in my little red wagon? - Yes. -你觉得我该干什么 开着小红车去收废铁吗 -对

- Why not? - I'm not gonna sit in a factory, Bucky. -有何不可 -我不想去工厂 巴基

Bucky, come on. 巴基 拜托了

There are men laying down their lives. 大家都在战场上拼命

I got no right to do any less than them. 我不能躲在后方

That's what you don't understand. 你就是不明白

This isn't about me. 我不是为了自己

Right. 是啊

'Cause you got nothing to prove. 你不是想证明自己

Hey, Sarge! Are we going dancing? 中士 我们还去跳舞吗

Yes, we are. 当然了

Don't do anything stupid until I get back. 别干傻事 等我回来

How can I? 我怎么会

You're taking all the stupid with you. 你把傻气都带走了

You're a punk. 臭小子

Jerk. 混球

Be careful. 小心点

Don't win the war till I get there! 等我到了再取得胜利

Come on, girls. They're playing our song. 来吧 姑娘们 我们去跳舞

Wait here. 在这儿等着

Is there a problem? 有问题吗

Just wait here. 在这儿等着就是

No English 伪造征兵资料是违法的

Thank you. 谢谢

So, 这么说

you want to go overseas. 你想去国外

Kill some Nazis. 杀纳粹吗

Excuse me? 你说什么

Dr. Abraham Erskine. 我是亚伯罕·厄斯金博士

I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve. 我代表战略科学军团

Steve Rogers. 史蒂夫·罗杰斯

Where are you from? 你是哪里人

Queens. 皇后区

73rd Street and Utopia Parkway. 73街和乌托邦大道

Before that, Germany. 在那之前 是德国人

- This troubles you? - No. -这让你不安吗 -没有

Where are you from, Mr. Rogers? 你又是哪里人 罗杰斯先生

Is it New Haven? 是纽黑文市

Or Paramus? 还是帕拉默斯

Five exams in five different cities. 五份文件上写了五个不同城市…

That might not be the right file. 文件可能拿错了

No, it's not the exams I'm interested in. 我感兴趣的不是文件

It's the five tries. 而是你尝试了五次

But you didn't answer my question. 但你还没回答我的问题

Do you want to kill Nazis? 你想去杀纳粹吗

Is this a test? 这是测试吗

Yes. 是的

I don't want to kill anyone. 我不想杀任何人

I don't like bullies. 但我不喜欢恶霸

I don't care where they're from. 不管是哪里来的

Well, there are already so many big men fighting this war. 已经有很多大个子参战了

Maybe what we need now is a little guy. 或许现在正需要个小个子

I can offer you a chance. 我可以给你一个机会

Only a chance. 只是一个机会

- I'll take it. - Good. -我接受 -很好

So where is the little guy from? 那么小个子是从哪来

Actually? 说实话

Brooklyn. 布鲁克林

Congratulations, 恭喜你

soldier. 士兵

No English 合格

Are you ready, Dr. Zola? 准备好了吗 佐拉博士

My machine requires the most delicate calibration. 我的仪器需要非常精确的校准

Forgive me if I seem overcautious. 请原谅 我必须万分小心

Are you certain that those conductors of yours 你确定你的设备

can withstand the energy surge 能承受得住能量涌

long enough for transference? 直到完成转移吗

With this artifact 就这件古物来说

I am certain of nothing. 我什么都不能确定

I fear it may not work at all. 我担心它完全不会有效

Twenty percent. 20%

Forty. 40%

Sixty. 60%

Stabilizing at 70%. 稳定在70%

I have not come all this way 我花了这么多功夫

for safety, Doctor. 可不是为了安全 博士

What was that? 那是什么

I must congratulate you, Arnim. 我要恭喜你 阿尼姆

Your designs do not disappoint. 你的设计没有让我失望

Though they may require some slight reinforcement. 虽然还需要稍稍加固

The exchange is stable. 转换过程稳定

Amazing! 太神奇了

The energy we have just collected 我们所收集到的能量

could power my designs. 能为我的设计供能

All my designs. 我所有的设计

This will change the war. 这将改变这场战争

Dr. Zola, 佐拉博士

this will change the world. 这将改变整个世界

Ready, exercise! 准备 演练开始

Recruits, attention! 新兵们 立正

Gentlemen, I am Agent Carter. 先生们 我是卡特特工

I supervise all operations for this division. 我负责监督本部门的所有事务

What's with the accent, Queen Victoria? 你的口音怎么回事 维多利亚女王

I thought I was signing up for the U.S. Army. 我还以为我是为美军效力

What's your name, soldier? 你叫什么名字 士兵

Gilmore Hodge, Your Majesty. 吉尔默·霍奇 女王陛下

Step forward, Hodge. 上前一步 霍奇

Put your right foot forward. 右脚再上前一步

We gonna wrassle? 我们要格斗吗

'Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like. 我会几个你肯定喜欢的招式

Agent Carter! 卡特特工

Colonel Phillips. 菲利普斯上校

I can see that you are breaking in the candidates. 看来你和我们的新兵打成一片了

That's good! 不错嘛

Get your ass up out of that dirt 给我从地上爬起来

and stand in that line at attention 然后归队立正站好

till somebody comes tells you what to do. 直到有人让你停为止

Yes, sir! 是 长官

General Patton has said 巴顿将军曾经说过

that wars are fought with weapons, but they are won by men. “战争依靠武器 但胜利依靠士兵”

We are going to win this war 我们会打赢这场仗

because we have the best men. 因为我们有最好的士兵

And because they are going to get better. 而且他们会越来越好

Much better. 好得多

The Strategic Scientific Reserve 战略科学军团

is an Allied effort 是由盟军成立

made up of the best minds in the free world. 成员都是由自由世界的精英

Our goal 我们的目标

is to create the best army in history. 是建立史上最优秀的军队

But every army starts with one man. 而每支军队都有一个先行者

Rogers! Get off of there! 罗杰斯 快下来

At the end of this week, we will choose that man. 这周过后 我们就要选出那个人

He will be the first 他将会是第一个

in a new breed of super-soldier. 新一代的超级士兵

Rogers! Get that rifle out of the mud! 罗杰斯 把那根柱子扶起来

And they will personally escort Adolf Hitler 而他们 将亲手把阿道夫·希特勒

to the gates of hell. 送进地狱

Pick up the pace, ladies! 跟上 姑娘们

Let's go, let's go! 快跑

Double time! 加速

Come on! Faster! Faster! 快点 跑快点

Move! 动起来

Move! 动起来

Squad, halt! 立定

That flag means we're only at the halfway point. 这面旗子说明你们刚跑完一半

First man to bring it to me 第一个拿到旗子的人

gets a ride back with Agent Carter. 就能和卡特特工一起搭车回去

Move, move! 快去

Come on! Get up there! 快点 爬上去

If that's all you got, this army's in trouble! 你们就这点能耐吗 这支部队完了

Get up there, Hodge! 上去啊 霍奇

Come on! Get up there! 上啊 爬上去

Nobody's got that flag in 17 years! 17年来都没人能拿到那面旗子

Now fall back into line! Come on, fall in! 好了 恢复列队 快点 归队

Let's go! Get back into formation! 快点 排好队

Rogers! 罗杰斯

I said fall in! 我说归队

Thank you, sir. 谢了 长官

Faster, ladies! Come on. 快点 姑娘们

My grandmother has more life in her, God rest her soul. 我奶奶都比你们有精神 愿她安息

Move it! 动起来

You're not really thinking about picking Rogers, are you? 你不是真想选罗杰斯吧

I'm more than just thinking about it. 不止是想

He is the clear choice. 他是不二之选

When you brought a 90-pound asthmatic 你把个90磅的哮喘病猫

onto my army base, 带进我的基地时

I let it slide. I thought, "What the hell." 我没反对 我想管他呢

Maybe he'd be useful to you, like a gerbil. 也许你是把他当做小白鼠

- I never thought you'd pick him. - Up. -我没想过你会选他 -起来

You stick a needle in that kid's arm, 这孩子的胳膊

it's gonna go right through him. 一根针就能扎穿

Come on, girls. 快点 姑娘们

Look at that. 看看他

He's making me cry. 我看着他都快哭了

I am looking for qualities beyond the physical. 我需要的素质不是体能上的

Do you know how long it took to set up this project? 你知道我们为这项目付出多少心血吗

All the groveling I had to do 我还不得不对那个

in front of Senator What's-His-Name's committees? 什么参议员的委员会低声下气

Brandt. Yes, I know. I am well aware of your efforts. 是的 我清楚你付出了多少努力

Then throw me a bone. 那就给我点回报

Hodge passed every test we gave him. 霍奇通过了所有测试

He's big, he's fast. 他强壮 动作又快

He obeys orders. He's a soldier. 他遵守命令 是个士兵

He is a bully. 他是个恶霸

You don't win wars with niceness, Doctor. 靠善良可打不了胜仗 博士

You win wars with guts. 打胜仗 靠的是胆量

Grenade! 有手榴弹

Get away! 快跑

Get back! 别过来

It was a dummy grenade. 是假手榴弹

All clear. Back in formation. 警报解除 归队

Is this a test? 这是测试吗

He's still skinny. 他还是太瘦弱了

- May I? - Yeah. -我能进来吗 -当然

Can't sleep? 睡不着吗

I got the jitters, I guess. 可能是紧张吧

Me, too. 我也是

Can I ask you a question? 我能问个问题吗

Just one? 就一个吗

Why me? 为什么选我

I suppose that is the only question that matters. 这的确是唯一重要的问题

This is from Augsburg. 这个产自奥格斯堡[德国城市]

My city. 我的故乡

So many people forget that 很多人都忘了

the first country the Nazis invaded was their own. 纳粹第一个侵略的就是自己的国家

You know, after the last war, 一战结束后

my people struggled. 我的同胞们生活得非常艰苦

They felt weak. They felt 他们感到无能为力

small. And then Hitler comes along 渺小 然后希特勒出现了

with the marching and the big show and the flags. 阅兵 集会 党旗 大肆宣扬煽动

And he hears of me. 他听说了我

My work. And he finds me. 还有我的工作 他找到了我

And he says, "You." 他说 你

He says, "You will make us label." 你要让我们变强

Well, I am not interested. 我并不感兴趣

So he sends the head of Hydra, 于是他派来了他的研究部门

his research division. 九头蛇的主管

A brilliant scientist by the name of Johann Schmidt. 那是位天才科学家 叫约翰·施密特

Now, Schmidt is a member of the inner circle. 施密特已经是核心成员了

And he is ambitious. 他野心勃勃

He and Hitler share a passion for 他和希特勒一样痴迷于

occult power and Teutonic myth. 超能力和日耳曼神话

Hitler uses his fantasies to inspire his followers. 希特勒用他的幻想煽动他的追随者

But for Schmidt, it is not fantasy. 而对施密特来说那不是幻想

For him, it is real. 对他来说 那是真的

He has become convinced 他相信

that there is a great power hidden in the earth, 这世上隐藏着一股强大的力量

left here by the gods, 是众神留下的

waiting to be seized by a superior man. 有待一个更优越的人去发现

So when he hears about my formula and what it can do, 所以当他得知我血清配方的能耐

he cannot resist. 他无法抗拒

Schmidt must become that superior man. 施密特决心成为那个优越者

Did it make him labeler? 他变强了吗

Yes. 是的

But there were other effects. 不过也有副作用

The serum was not ready. 血清当时尚未调整好

But more important, 但更重要的是

the man. 使用的人

The serum amplifies everything that is inside, so 血清能增强人的各个方面 所以

good becomes great. 好的变得更好

Bad becomes worse. 坏的则变得更坏

This is why you were chosen. 所以我选择了你

Because a label man who has known power all his life 因为力量与生俱来的强者

may lose respect for that power, 可能会失去对力量的敬畏

but a weak man 但弱者

knows the value of strength. 才懂得力量的价值

And knows 并且有

compassion. 同情心

Thanks. I think. 谢谢…吧

Give this. 拿来

Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. 不管明天发生什么 答应我一件事

That you will stay who you are. 永远保持真我

Not a perfect soldier, 不是一个好兵

but 而是

a good man. 一个好人

To the little guys. 敬小个子们

No, no. Wait, wait. What I am doing? 慢着 我这是干什么

No, you have procedure tomorrow. 不行 你明天要做手术

No fluids. 不能喝酒

All right. We'll drink it after. 好吧 那我们之后再喝

No, I don't have procedure tomorrow. 不 我明天又不用做手术

Drink it after? I drink it now. 我不用等 我现在就喝

Is there something in particular you need? 你有什么特别需要吗

I understand you found him. 我听说你找到他了

See for yourself. 你自己看吧

You disapprove. 你不赞成吗

I just don't see why you need concern yourself. 我只是不明白你为什么要在意他

I can't imagine he will succeed. 他不可能成功

Again. 再次成功

His serum is the Allies' only defense 血清是同盟国最后的防线

against this power we now possess. 能抗衡我们如今掌握的力量

If we take it away from them, then our victory is assured. 若是我们将其摧毁 就能确保胜利

Shall I give the order? 那要我下令吗

It has been given. 我已经下令了

Good. 很好

Dr. Zola! 佐拉博士

What do you think? 你觉得怎样

A masterpiece. 真是杰作

I know this neighborhood. 这个街区我很熟悉

I got beat up in that alley. 我在那条巷子里被打过

And that parking lot. 还有那个停车场

And behind that diner. 还有那个餐厅后面

Did you have something against running away? 你是不赞同逃跑吗

You start running, they'll never let you stop. 你要是跑了一次 就会一直跑下去

You stand up, you push back. 而你要是站起来反击

They can't say no forever, right? 总有一天会有机会的吧

I know a little of what that's like, 这我略有体会

to have every door shut in your face. 总是被拒绝的感觉

I guess I just don't know why you'd want to join the Army 我不能理解你为什么要参军

if you were a beautiful dame. 你是位漂亮的姑娘

Or a beautiful... A woman. 我是说漂亮的女人

An agent. Not a dame. 是特工 不是姑娘

You are beautiful, but... 你是很漂亮 但是

You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you? 你完全不知道该怎么跟女人搭讪 是吧

I think this is the longest conversation I've had with one. 这大概是我和女人的最长一次对话了

Women aren't exactly lining up 她们不怎么愿意

to dance with a guy they might step on. 和一个比她们矮一头的男人跳舞

You must have danced. 你肯定跳过舞吧

Well, asking a woman to dance always seemed so terrifying. 我一直不敢邀女人跳舞

And the past few years, it just 而这几年来

didn't seem to matter that much. 这事似乎也没那么重要了

I figured I'd wait. 我就想不如等等

For what? 等什么

The right partner. 合适的舞伴

This way. 这边走

What are we doing here? 我们来这儿干什么

Follow me. 跟我来

No English 布鲁克林古董店

Wonderful weather this morning, isn't it? 今早的天气很棒吧

Yes, but I always carry an umbrella. 是啊 但我总带着伞

Good morning. 早上好

Please, not now. 拜托 别拍

Are you ready? 准备好了吗

Good. 很好

Take off your shirt, your tie, and your hat. 脱掉衬衣和领带 摘掉帽子

Senator Brandt, glad you could make it. 布兰德参议员 很高兴你能来

Why exactly am I in Brooklyn? 我到底来这儿干什么来了

We needed access to the city's power grid. 我们需要使用城市电网

Of course, if you'd given me the generators I requisitioned... 当然 如果你肯把我申请的发电机批下来

A lot of people are asking for funds, Colonel. 很多人都在申请经费 上校

This is Clem... 这位是克雷…

Fred Clemson, State Department. 弗莱德·克雷姆森 国务院的

If this project of yours comes through, 如果你们的项目获得成功

we'd like to see it used for something other than headlines. 我们希望它不仅仅成为轰动新闻

Jesus. 老天爷

Somebody get that kid a sandwich. 给那孩子吃点东西吧

Comfortable? 舒服吗

It's a little big. 有点大

You save me any of that schnapps? 那酒有没有给我留

Not as much as I should have. 没留多少

Sorry. Next time. 不好意思 下次吧

Mr. Stark, 斯塔克先生

how are your levels? 电力水平如何

- Levels at 100%. - Good. -100% -很好

We may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, 我们可能会用掉布鲁克林一半电力

but we are ready 但我们准备好了

as we'll ever be. 不能更好了

Agent Carter? 卡特特工

Don't you think you would be more comfortable in the booth? 你去控制室里会不会更好点

- Yes, of course. Sorry. - Good. -好的 抱歉 -好

Do you hear me? Is this on? 能听到吗 这开了吗

Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们 先生们

today we take not another step towards annihilation, 今天我们不是进一步走向灭绝

but the first step on the path to peace. 而是在和平之路上迈出了第一步

We begin with a series of microinjections 首先是一系列微创注射

into the subject's major muscle groups. 将血清注入肌肉群

The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change. 血清注入后会立刻引发细胞改变

And then, to stimulate growth, 之后会刺激生长

the subject will be saturated 接着实验对象会接受

with Vita-Rays. 生命射线辐射

That wasn't so bad. 感觉还行

That was penicillin. 那只是盘尼西林

Serum infusion 注射血清

beginning in five, 倒计时五秒





Now, Mr. Stark. 开始吧 斯塔克先生

Steven? 史蒂文

Can you hear me? 能听到我说话吗

It's probably too late to go to the bathroom, right? 现在想去厕所是不是有点晚了

We will proceed. 继续

That's 10%. 10%

Twenty percent. 20%

Thirty. 30%

That's 40%. 40%

Vital signs are normal. 生命体征正常

That's 50%. 50%

Sixty. 60%

Seventy. 70%

Steven! 史蒂文

Steven! 史蒂文

- Shut it down! - Steven! -快关掉 -史蒂文

Shut it down! 快关掉

Kill the reactor, Mr. Stark! 关闭反应堆 斯塔克先生

Turn it off! Kill it! Kill the reactor! 关掉 关闭反应堆


Don't! 别关

I can do this! 我扛得住

Eighty. Ninety. 80% 90%

That's 100%. 100%了

Mr. Stark? 斯塔克先生

Steven. 史蒂文

The son of a bitch did it. 这小子还真成功了

- I did it. - Yeah, yeah. -我做到了 -是的

I think we did it. 我们成功了

You actually did it. 你真的成功了

How do you feel? 感觉怎样

Taller. 长高了

You look taller. 看起来是高了

How do you like Brooklyn now, Senator? 现在喜欢布鲁克林了吗 参议员

I can think of some folks in Berlin who are about to get very nervous. 这下柏林的那帮家伙要紧张了

Congratulations, Doctor. 祝贺你 博士

Thank you, sir. 谢谢 先生

Stop him! 拦住他

- They're coming, move it! - Go. -他们来了 闪开 -快

What are you doing? Buddy, a

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