
The Java programming language Compiler Group

This group is comprised of developers involved in the design, implementation, and maintenance of the javac compiler for the Java programming language, and associated components such as javadoc and javap. Introduction

The javac compiler reads source files written in the Java programming language, and compiles them into class files. The Java programming language is defined by The Java Language Specification (JLS) and class files are defined by The Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).

Optionally, the compiler can also process annotations found in source and class files using the Pluggable Annotation Processing API (JSR 269).

The compiler is a command-line tool but can also be invoked using the Java Compiler API (JSR 199). Source Code

The javac compiler source code is available in the OpenJDK Mercurial repositories, at http://hg.openjdk.java.net/.

The master sources are in http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk. 

For general information about the OpenJDK repositories, and how to clone them, see The OpenJDK Developer’s Guide.

Note that the code for the native launcher for javac is shared with all the other JDK tools, and is customized for javac during the build. Issues Issues are tracked in the JDK Bug System. Most compiler bugs are tracked in the tools component, javac subcomponent. Documentation

The Hitchhiker's Guide to javac Compiler Package Overview Compilation Overview Guidelines for “langtools” tests  So you want to change "javac" ... So you want to change the Java Programming Language...  Processing Code (Or: Doclets, Annotation Processors and Plugins: Oh My!) Using the new Doclet API javadoc Architecture  Oracle home page for javac Oracle home page for javadoc 


Joe Darcy's Talk Archive Java Programming Language Tools in JDK7 (JavaOne 2009) 


The following links are for resources about the compiler, provided by non-Oracle contributors. These resources may not be completely up to date.

The Hacker's Guide to javac (PDF) by David Erni and Adrian Kuhn (2008) 

Related Projects

Amber Valhalla Code Tools Mailing list for enhanced metadata in Java SE 8 


Mailing lists     compiler-dev     javadoc-dev Compiler bloggers     Maurizio Cimadamore Alumni     Peter von der Ahé     Neal Gafter 

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