


library ieee; Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; Use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity DZB1 is port(cr,min,hor,cp:in std_logic; q:out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); w0,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5:out std_logic); end DZB1; architecture dianzi of DZB1 is signal display,t0,t1,t2:std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); signal c0,c1,c2,s0,s1,m0,m1,h0,h1,clk1,clk2:std_logic; signal sq0,sq1,mq0,mq1,hq0,hq1,xs:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin process(cr,cp) --分频开始 begin if cp'event and cp='1' then if t0=499 then t0<="000000000";c0<='1'; else t0<=t0+1; c0<='0'; end if; end if; if c0'event and c0='1' then if t1=199 then t1<="000000000";c1<='1'; else t1<=t1+1;c1<='0'; end if; end if; if c1'event and c1='1' then if t2=199 then t2<="000000000";c2<='1'; else t2<=t2+1;c2<='0'; end if; end if; end process; --分频结束 --秒计时开始 process(c2,cr,min) begin if c2'event and c2='1' then if sq0=9 then sq0<="0000";s0<='1'; else sq0<=sq0+1;s0<='0'; end if; end if; if s0'event and s0='1' then if sq1=5 then sq1<="0000"; s1<='1'; else sq1<=sq1+1;s1<='0'; end if; end if; if cr='0' then sq0<="0000";sq1<="0000"; end if; if min='0' then sq0<="0000";sq1<="0000"; end if; end process;--秒计时结束. --分开始 process(s1,min) begin clk1<=s1 or (not min);--分调整按钮,按一下分加1同时将秒清0. if clk1'event and clk1='1' then if mq0=9 then mq0<="0000";m0<='1'; else mq0<=mq0+1; m0<='0'; end if; end if; if m0'event and m0='1' then if mq1=5 then mq1<="0000";m1<='1'; else mq1<=mq1+1;m1<='0'; end if; end if; if cr='0' then mq1<="0000";mq0<="0000"; end if;--分结束 end process; --小时开始 process(m1,hor) begin clk2<=m1 or (not hor);--时调整按钮,按一下小时加1. if clk2'event and clk2='1' then if hq0=9 then hq0<="0000";h0<='1'; else hq0<=hq0+1;h0<='0'; end if; end if; if h0'event and h0='1' then if hq1=5 then hq1<="0000";h1<='1'; else hq1<=hq1+1;h1<='0'; end if; end if; if hq1=2 and hq0=4 then hq0<="0000";hq1<="0000"; end if; if cr='0' then hq0<="0000";hq1<="0000"; end if;--小时结束 end process; --显示开始 process(xs) begin case xs is when "0000"=>q<="0000001"; when "0001"=>q<="1001111"; when "0010"=>q<="0010010"; when "0011"=>q<="0000110"; when "0100"=>q<="1001100"; when "0101"=>q<="0100100"; when "0110"=>q<="0100000"; when "0111"=>q<="0001111"; when "1000"=>q<="0000000"; when "1001"=>q<="0000100"; when others=>q<="0000001"; end case; end process;--显示结束 --显示输出 process(cp) begin --显示计时 if cp'event and cp='1' then if display<496 then display<=display+1; else display<="000000000"; end if; end if; --秒显示 if display>0 and display<82 then xs<=sq0;w0<='0'; else w0<='1'; end if; if display>83 and display<164 then xs<=sq1;w1<='0'; else w1<='1'; end if; --分显示 if display>165 and display<247 then xs<=mq0;w2<='0'; else w2<='1'; end if; if display>248 and display<320 then xs<=mq1;w3<='0'; else w3<='1'; end if; --时显示 if display>321 and display<403 then xs<=hq0;w4<='0'; else w4<='1'; end if; if display>405 and display<496 then xs<=hq1;w5<='0'; else w5<='1'; end if; end process; end ;


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