
CVPR 2022 论文列表

CVPR2022 Papers (Papers/Codes/Demos)



1. 检测

2. 分割(Segmentation)

3. 图像处理(Image Processing)

4. 估计(Estimation)

5. 图像&视频检索/视频理解(Image&Video Retrieval/Video Understanding)

6. 人脸(Face)

7. 三维视觉(3)D Vision)

8. 目标跟踪(Object Tracking)

9. 医学影像(Medical Imaging)

10. 文本检测/识别(Text Detection/Recognition)

11. 遥感图像(Remote Sensing Image)

12. GAN/生成/对抗(GAN/Generative/Adversarial)

13. 图像生成/合成(Image Generation/Image Synthesis)

14. 场景图(Scene Graph

15. 视觉定位(Visual Localization)

16.视觉推理/视觉问答(Visual Reasoning/VQA)

17. 图像分类(Image Classification)

18. 神经网络结构设计(Neural Network Structure Design)

19. 模型压缩(Model Compression)

20. 模型训练/泛化(Model Training/Generalization)

21. 模型评估(Model Evaluation)

22. 数据处理(Data Processing)

23. 主动学习(Active Learning)

24. 小样本学习/零样本学习(Few-shot/Zero-shot Learning)

25. 持续学习(Continual Learning/Life-long Learning)

26. domain/自适应(Transfer Learning/Domain Adaptation)

27. 度量学习(Metric Learning)

28. 对比学习(Contrastive Learning)

29. 增量学习(Incremental Learning)

30. 强化学习(Reinforcement Learning)

31. 元学习(Meta Learning)

32. 多模态学习(Multi-Modal Learning)

33. 视觉预测(Vision-based Prediction)

34. 数据集(Dataset)

35. 机器人(Robotic)

36. 自监督学习/半监督学习


2D目标检测(2D Object Detection)

paper | code paper paper 标签分配方案) paper | code paper | code paper | code paper | code keywords: Object Detection,Knowledge Distillation paper | code paper | code keywords: Bounding Box Regression, Localization Quality Estimation, Knowledge Distillation paper | code

视频目标检测(Video Object Detection)


3D目标检测(3D object detection)

paper | code paper | code paper paper | code paper | code paper | code paper | code 相机深度融合) paper | code paper | code paper | code paper | code keywords: 3D Object Detection with Point-based Methods, 3D Object Detection with Grid-based Methods, Cluster-free 3D Panoptic Segmentation, CenterPoint 3D Object Detection paper keywords: Autonomous Driving, Monocular 3D Object Detection paper | code

伪装目标检测(Camouflaged Object Detection)

paper paper | code

显著性目标检测(Saliency Object Detection)

paper | code paper

关键点检测(Keypoint Detection)

paper | code

车道线检测(Lane Detection)

paper keywords: Segmentation-based Lane Detection, Point Detection-based Lane Detection, Curve-based Lane Detection, autonomous driving paper | code

边缘检测(Edge Detection)

paper | code

消失点检测(Vanishing Point Detection)

消失点检测**:几何先验使数据集变化消失)** paper | code


图像分割(Image Segmentation)

paper | code paper paper

全景分割(Panoptic Segmentation)

paper | code keywords: Semanticand panoramic segmentation, Unsupervised domain adaptation, Transformer paper | code

语义分割(Semantic Segmentation)

paper | code paper | code paper | code paper | code paper paper paper | code paper | code paper | code paper | code paper | code paper paper | code keywords: Semi-supervised learning, Semantic segmentation, Uncertainty estimation paper | code paper | code

实例分割(Instance Segmentation)

paper paper | code paper | code paper keywords: 3D Vision, Point Clouds, Instance Segmentation paper | code

视频目标分割(Video Object Segmentation)

paper | code

密集预测(Dense Prediction)

paper | code

视频处理(Video Processing)

视频处理(Video Processing)


视频编辑(Video Editing)


视频生成/视频合成(Video Generation/Video Synthesis)

paper | code paper | code


光流/运动估计(Optical Flow/Motion Estimation)

paper | code paper

深度估计(Depth Estimation)

paper paper | code paper paper paper paper paper | code keywords: Learning-based Stereo Matching Networks, Single Domain Generalization, Shortcut Learning paper keywords: Stereo Matching, cost volume construction, cost aggregation paper | code paper | [code](https://github.com/YingqianWang/OACC- Net) keywords: Neural CRFs for Monocular Depth paper keywords: monocular depth estimation(单目深度估计),transformer paper

人体解析/人体姿态估计(Human Parsing/Human Pose Estimation)

paper | code paper 传感器的物理感知实时人体运动跟踪) paper paper paper | code paper paper keywords: Top-Down Pose Estimation(从上至下姿态估计), Limb-based Grouping, Direct Regression paper paper

图像处理(Image Processing)

超分辨率(Super Resolution)

标签: flex弯曲传感器

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