




gn介绍:(generate ninja )顾名思义就是生成ninja文件是编译工具GYP(Generate Your Project)替代工具,由google开源c 实现编写,主要实现交叉编译,可指定输出平台目标和多个目标平台。

gn gen out/Default --args='target_os="linux" target_cpu="x64"








# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # This is the root build file for GN. GN will start processing by loading this # file, and recursively load all dependencies until all dependencies are either # resolved or known not to exist (which will cause the build to fail). So if # you add a new build file, there must be some path of dependencies from this # file to your new one or GN won't know about it. import("//build/config/compiler/compiler.gni") ... if (is_android) {   import("//build/config/android/config.gni") }  # This file defines the following two main targets: # # "gn_all" is used to create explicit dependencies from the root BUILD.gn to # each top-level component that we wish to include when building everything via # "all". This is required since the set of targets built by "all" is determined # automatically based on reachability from the root BUILD.gn (for details, see # crbug.com/503241). Builders should typically use "all", or list targets # explicitly, rather than relying on "gn_all". # # "gn_visibility": targets that are normally not visible to top-level targets, # but are built anyway by "all". Since we don't want any such targets, we have # this placeholder to make sure hidden targets that aren't otherwise depended # on yet are accounted for. group("gn_all") {   testonly = true   deps = [     ":gn_visibility",     "//base:base_perftests",     "//base:base_unittests",     "//base/util:base_util_unittests",     "//chrome/installer",     "//chrome/updater",     "//components:components_unittests",     "//components/gwp_asan:gwp_asan_unittests",     "//net:net_unittests",     "//services:services_unittests",     "//services/service_manager/public/cpp",     "//skia:skia_unittests",     "//sql:sql_unittests",     "//third_party/flatbuffers:flatbuffers_unittests",     "//tools/binary_size:binary_size_trybot_py",     "//tools/ipc_fuzzer:ipc_fuzzer_all",     "//tools/metrics:metrics_metadata",     "//ui/base:ui_base_unittests",     "//ui/color:color_unittests",     "//ui/gfx:gfx_unittests",     "//url:url_unittests",   ]   if (!is_component_build) {     deps  = [ "//third_party/abseil-cpp:absl_tests" ]   }   if (!is_component_build) {     deps  = [ "//third_party/abseil-cpp:absl_tests" ]   }   if (!is_android && !is_chromecast) {     deps  = [       "//crypto:crypto_unittests",       "//google_apis/gcm:gcm_unit_tests",     ]   }   if (enable_js_type_check) {     deps  = [ ":webui_closure_compile" ]   }   if (!is_ios && !is_ios && !is_android && !is_chromecast && !is_fuchsia) {     deps  = [       "//chrome",       "//chrome/browser/ui/color:dump_colors",       "//chrome/test:browser_tests",       "//chrome/test:interactive_ui_tests",       "//chrome/test:sync_integration_tests",       "//chrome/test/chromedriver:chromedriver_unittests",       "//components/subresource_filter/tools:subresource_filter_tools",       "//components/zucchini:zucchini",       "//components/zucchini:zucchini_unittests",       "//gpu/gles2_conform_support:gles2_conform_test",       "//gpu/khronos_glcts_support:khronos_glcts_test",       "//jingle:jingle_unittests",       "//net:hpack_example_generator",       "//ppapi:ppapi_unittests",       "//ppapi/examples/2d",       "//ppapi/examples/audio",       "//ppapi/examples/audio_input",       "//ppapi/examples/crxfs",       "//ppapi/examples/enumerate_devices",       "//ppapi/examples/file_chooser",       "//ppapi/examples/flash_topmost",       "//ppapi/examples/font",       "//ppapi/examples/gamepad",       "//ppapi/examples/gles2",       "//ppapi/examples/gles2_spinning_cube",       "//ppapi/examples/ime",       "//ppapi/examples/input",       "//ppapi/examples/media_stream_audio",       "//ppapi/examples/media_stream_video",       "//ppapi/examples/mouse_cursor",       "//ppapi/examples/mouse_lock",       "//ppapi/examples/printing",       "//ppapi/examples/scalin",
  if (!is_ios) {
    deps += [
  if (is_win || (is_linux && !is_chromeos) || is_android) {
    deps += [
    if (is_android) {
      deps += [ "//weblayer/browser/android/javatests:weblayer_instrumentation_test_apk" ]
  if (!is_ios && !is_android) {
    deps += [
  if (enable_openscreen) {
    deps += [ "//chrome/browser/media/router:openscreen_unittests" ]
  if (!is_ios && !is_fuchsia) {
    deps += [
  } else if (is_ios) {
    deps += [
  } else if (is_fuchsia) {
    deps += [
  deps += root_extra_deps
  if (enable_extensions) {
    deps += [
    # TODO(crbug.com/981112): This target is failing to compile consistently in
    # coverage build, remove this condition when the bug is fixed.
    if (!use_clang_coverage) {
      deps += [ "//extensions/browser/api/declarative_net_request/filter_list_converter" ]
  if (enable_remoting) {
    deps += [ "//remoting:remoting_all" ]
  if (toolkit_views) {
    deps += [
  if (use_aura) {
    deps += [
  if (use_ozone) {
    deps += [
    if (ozone_platform_x11) {
      deps += [ "//ui/ozone:ozone_x11_unittests" ]


source_set("audio") {
sources = [
 if (is_win) {
    sources += [
deps += [
 libs += [


标签: gn丝印三极管

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