
ABB PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1

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由于风景变化迅速,几十吨重的转子由于惯性大,减少或增加输出的速度非常慢(爬坡率的概念)ABB PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R风电和光伏发电的变化,所以有时不得不弃风弃光。



频率不能过高的原因:线路ABB PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1备损耗小,发电机转速不必过高。



贝加莱的主题设计是围绕运动控制的算法设计,即伺服电机以预期的速度和加速度通过适当的位置速度和电流指令到达预期的位置。 在光伏组件的机器人排版系统中使用PC SDK工具包去开发一个光伏电池串组件机器人系统工业应用软件,来提升一线操作人员的工作效率和防止误操作的发生。选手们运用在课堂上学到的机器人应用知识,将C#编程语言应用于工业应用,锻炼软件二次开发能力,开发新功能的创新能力。

在比赛中,我们可以从工程师的角度对一个项目的二次开发进行创新思维,验证项目的可行性,提高文案的设计和演讲表达能力Automation Studio它是贝加莱的统一编程平台,逻辑编程、运动控制编程、上界面编写、数学模型运算等。都是在Automation Studio完成平台。Automation Studio这也是大家在这场比赛中使用最多的主软件。

车辆的运动轨迹规划、舵轮电机的控制算法、电机和车辆的坐标系变化等都在进行中Automation Studio实现中来编程。

Scene Viewer是一款3D图形显示软件,最终车辆的动态运行效果可以在Scene Viewer查看。当控制策略设计不当时,也可以在Scene Viewer中看到AGV转弯时撞到边界的报警。Scene Viewer软件是一款开源的软件。


赛题中的控制对象是一个AGV汽车,我们在设计中不能使用实际的汽车,只能用模拟模型代替。AGV车型包括机构、电机和车轮,由电机驱动车轮在指定轨道上移动。该模型通过MapleSim与Automation Studio接口连接实现了控制算法与受控对象模型的集成闭环测试。


在单舵轮的两台电机中,一台负责转向,另一台负责驱动。另外我们把AGV机械物理模型在MapleSim已建成,也已转化为FMU导入到了Automation Studio,我们也在Automation Studio给出了一个简单的控制模型demo帮助您联合运行机械和控制模型。

涉及到最后一个开放主题AGV修改物理模型需要打开MapleSim,修改相应模块中的摩擦参数,然后导入新模型Automation Studio验证控制算法对新模型的适应性,开放主题将有额外的分数。另外,对于电机的三环控制,我们可以用两种方法来解决,一种是我们自己Automation Studio位置环、速度环和电流环的控制模型,另一个是直接调用贝加莱的伺服驱动器,这样控制模型就不需要自己搭建,只需要调整参数进行适当的配置。这里我们推荐的是第一种方法,如果学生能实现这两种方法,就会有额外的额外分数。

另外,对于电机的三环控制,我们可以用两种方法来解决,一种是我们自己Automation Studio位置环、速度环和电流环的控制模型,另一个是直接调用贝加莱的伺服驱动器,这样控制模型就不需要自己搭建,只需要调整参数进行适当的配置。这里我们推荐的是第一种方法,如果学生能实现这两种方法,就会有额外的额外分数。 第一步 – 熟悉建模仿真软件MapleSim:参考手册和视频资料,动手练习,了解建模方法和原理。AGV汽车模型的重点是动力学。如果能解释模型的原理,尤其是车轮模型,相信会给答案加分

第二步 – 调整模型参数:根据主题要求,调整车轮中的摩擦参数,通过扫描和优化模拟不同的参数条件AGV汽车的运动学和动力学特性。

第三步 – 将模拟模型输出到控制软件Automation Studio中:使用MapleSim中的Automation Studio FMU 接口工具箱将修改后的模型输出成FMU文件。在Automation Studio中调试AGV小车的运动姿态,验证控制策略



近期,ABB为东莞国际贸易中心提供领先的电气解决方案i-bus智能建筑控制系统。在设备层,通过低压设备建立安全、可靠、稳定的配电系统;提供控制层i-bus实现公共区域场景化照明控制,创造更智能、更舒适的生活空间, 满足绿色低碳环境要求,减少建筑物碳排放。与传统的照明解决方案相比,该项目涉及1000多回路,预计节能30%以上。国际贸易中心项目定位为一线城市综合体,用电负荷大,用电设备种类多。超高层建筑体积大,功能复杂,配电系统的选择需要更严格的标准。根据客户的需求,ABB梳理由空气断路器、塑壳断路器、微型断路器、双电源转换开关、隔离开关熔断器等组成的低压元件产品组合。即使在大负荷下,也能保证国贸中心配电系统的安全稳定运行。

此外,客户建议建筑智能控制系统不仅要有照明控制等基本功能,还要有稳定性、节能性和可扩展性,确保与时俱进。ABB i-bus?通过实时监控、场景控制、定时控制等功能,智能建筑控制系统根据不同时间段设置场景,满足客户节能降耗的要求。与此同时, ABB i-bus?通过光纤传输方案,智能建筑控制系统与建筑自控系统集成,在监控中心远程控制不同区域的照明,满足客户对公共区域各种场景的统一控制要求, 全面智能升级国际贸易中心塔楼。取指令和输出指令(LD/LDI/LDP/LDF/OUT) 2016年3月,AlphaGo与职业围棋选手的比赛引起了人们对人工智能的高度关注。在公认的非常复杂的计算和智力任务中,计算机依靠类人脑的智力打败了人类的顶级球员吗?从系统结构的角度来看,AlphaGo结合深度神经网络训练和蒙特卡洛模拟[1]。广义上说,深度神经网络是类脑的计算形式,而蒙特卡洛法则是发挥机器运行速度的优势,模拟进一步判断的巨大可能性,这似乎不是大脑工作的机制。所以AlphaGo 可以说,类脑与非类脑的计算与智能相结合,充分发挥其特长所取得的成功。除了AlphaGo 除了深度神经网络,类脑计算和智能的研究还有哪些方面?在不久的将来会有什么突破? 1.接口丰富,支持以太网、串口、CAN口、IO接入以太网和2口等设备G/3G/4G全网通网络接入; 2.嵌入数百项工业协议,支持99%以上PLC及绝大多数工业设备接入; 3、8GB本地存储 SD支持本地数据缓存和离线应用; 4.支持三合一串口RS485/RS232/RS422三种电气接口; 5、支持边缘计算,实现数据优化、实时响应、敏捷连接、物联网边缘节点模型分析等业务,有效共享云计算资源 同时支持多台设备的接入; 6、支持DC9~36V适应各种复杂工业场所的宽压输入; 7、支持LED灯自定义,用户可以根据需要定义LED灯(如设备状态、边缘计算结果等); 8.支持按需连接的远程上传下载,无需客户端,有效节约网络流量; 9.支持网关健康自诊断,快速检测网关故障; 10.支持各种标准VPN (PPTP/ L2TP/IPSec/OpenVPN) ; 支持网络主备模式,根据网络情况智能切换网络接入模式(支持智能网络诊断); 12力的云软件中心支持,可根据实际应用场景安装相应的固件、应用等; 13.支持各种远程控制模式(无密码/有密码/禁用),具有物理远程控制开关和一键开关的远程控制功能; 支持多链接井发数据采集;

HIEE400235R1ABB PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1ABB PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 IEE400235R1ABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1ABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1ABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1ABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1ABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B

5、支持4G流量详情分析及流量控制; 16、支持网关远程管理;支持网络自恢复; 17、支持基站和GPS混合定位模式及本地WEB端GPS位置呈现; 18、支持本地WEB端点表配置,支持本地组态设计和呈现; 19、工业级边缘计算网关,数据采集最大支持5000点; 20、支持数据多路转发和第三方平台接入。   一般地说,类脑计算是指借鉴大脑中进行信息处理的基本规律,在硬件实现与软件算法等多个层面,对于现有的计算体系与系统做出本质的变革,从而实现在计算能耗、计算能力与计算效率等诸多方面的大幅改进。过去几十年来通讯与计算机技术的长足发展带来了信息化革命,但现有计算系统仍然面临2个严重的发展瓶颈:一是系统能耗过高,二是对于人脑能轻松胜任的认知任务(比如语言及复杂场景的理解等)处理能力不足,难以支撑高水平的智能。大脑在这两个方面的明显优势使得借鉴大脑成了一个非常有前景的方向。类脑计算是生命科学,特别是脑科学与信息技术的高度交叉和融合,其技术内涵包括对于大脑信息处理原理的深入理解,在此基础上开发新型的处理器、算法和系统集成架构,并将其运用于新一代人工智能、大数据处理、人机交互等广泛的领域。类脑计算技术有望使人工信息处理系统以非常低的能耗,产生出可以与人脑相比拟的智能。很多人认为,这一方向的实质进展将可能真正开启智能化革命的序幕,从而对社会生产生活带来深刻地变革[2] 类脑计算的研究大致可以分为神经科学的研究、特别是大脑信息处理基本原理的研究,类脑计算器件(硬件)的研究和类脑学习与处理算法(软件)的研究3个方面。在神经科学领域,过去几十年间,特别是过去10年左右的时间,取得了非常快速的发展。现在对于大脑的工作原理已经积累了丰富的知识,这为类脑计算的发展提供了重要的生物学基础。人脑是一个由近千亿的神经元通过数百万亿的接触位点(突触)所构成的复杂网络。感觉、运动、认知等各种脑功能的实现,其物质基础都是信息在这一巨大的网络当中的有序传递与处理。通过几代神经科学家的努力,目前对于单个神经元的结构与功能已经有较多了解。但对于功能相对简单的神经元如何通过网络组织起来,形成我们现在所知的最为高效的信息处理系统,还有很多问题尚待解决。脑网络在微观水平上表现为神经突触所构成的连接,在介观水平上表现为单个神经元之间所构成的连接,在宏观水平上则表现为由脑区和亚区所构成的连接。在不同尺度的脑网络上所进行的信息处理既存在重要差别,又相互紧密联系,是一个统一的整体。目前神经科学的研究热点就主要集中于在上述各层面解析脑网络的结构,观察脑网络的活动,最终阐明脑网络的功能,即信息存储、传递与处理的机制。要实现这一目标,需要突破的关键技术是对于脑网络结构的精确与快速测定,脑网络活动的大规模检测与调控,以及对于这些海量数据的高效分析,此外也亟需在实验数据的约束下,建立适当的模型和理论,形成对脑信息处理的完整认识[3]。  类脑计算器件研究的初衷是在不影响性能的前提下,大大降低功耗,或者在相似功耗下,极大提高速度。现代计算机虽然具有惊人的运算能力与运算速度,但与之相伴的是高昂的能量消耗。大型计算机的功耗往往在兆瓦量级以上,与之相比,成年人大脑的功耗只有大约20 W。巨大的能耗严重限制了系统进一步向微型化的方向发展(因为难以散热),也会使得复杂的嵌入式应用和远程应用,比如宇航探索,缺乏足够的计算能力支持(因为难以携带足够的能源)。现代计算机能耗高的一个重要原因是计算机普遍采用的冯.诺依曼架构。冯氏架构中,信息处理单元与存储单元是分离的,这样在运算过程中,势必要经常将数据在处理单元与存储单元之间进行传递,这一看似简单的过程却能贡献系统近50%的功耗。与之相比,在生物脑中,信息的处理是在神经网络中实现,而数据本身则是分布式的存储于网络的各个节点(比如由神经元内的离子浓度表征)以及节点之间的连接(比如由突触的强弱表征)上,运算和存储在结构上是高度一体化的。这样,用少量甚至单个电子器件模仿单个神经元的功能,而将数量巨大的电子“神经元”以类脑的方式形成大规模并行处理的网络,以进行计算,就成为了非常有吸引力的方向。目前研究的热点包括寻找更适合的器件以模拟单个神经元(比如忆阻器),设计非冯氏体系为基础的处理器等。近来IBM公司研发的TrueNorth芯片是这一领域的代表性进展,由于使用了非冯氏结构体系和其他一系列措施,实现了对于功耗近2个数量级的降低(图1)[4]。另外的重要进展还包括研发专用处理器,针对深度神经网络等类脑算法进行专门优化,以提高速度、降低功耗[5],由于这一领域的算法已在图像、语音识别等方面有成熟的应用,此类专用处理器有望能较早投入实际运用。         能够大大降低能耗或是加快速度的类脑的处理器对于实现更高水平的智能无疑会有很大的帮助,但要真正实现类人水平的通用人工智能,除了需要这样的硬件基础外,关键还需要理解生物脑对于信息所做的计算,即类脑的处理及学习算法。对于此研究方向,一个常见的顾虑是:现在神经科学对于大脑工作机制的了解还远远不够,这样是否能够开展有效的类脑算法研究?对此,我们可以从现在获得广泛成功的深度神经网络获得一些启示。从神经元的连接模式到训练规则等很多方面看,深度神经网络距离真实的脑网络还有相当距离,但它在本质上借鉴了脑网络的多层结构(即“深度”一词的来源),而大脑中,特别是视觉通路的多层、分步处理结构是神经科学中早已获得的基本知识。这说明,我们并不需要完全了解了脑的工作原理之后才能研究类脑的算法。相反,真正具有启发意义的,很可能是相对基本的原则。这些原则,有的可能已经为脑科学家所知晓,而有的可能还尚待发现,而每一项基本原则的阐明及其成功的运用于人工信息处理系统,都可能带来类脑计算研究的或大或小的进步。非常重要的是,这一不断发现、转化的过程不仅能促进人工智能的进展,也会同步加深我们对于大脑为何能如此高效进行信息处理这一问题的理解[6],从而形成一个脑科学和人工智能技术相互促进的良性循环。

   脑中除了基本的兴奋与抑制性的神经递质外,还有众多的神经调质,他们的作用在于根据当前的环境与行为目标随时动态调节大范围神经网络的行为,使得相对固定的网络结构能够胜任复杂多变的情况,实现千差万别的任务。近年来对于介观及宏观脑网络动态活动规律的研究发现,脑网络可能自发地组织于一个“临界”状态附近,这一状态使得信息的存储、传递和处理都能实现最优化[10]。重要的是,通过对这一状态的微调,可以迅速调节网络功能,从而适应不同任务的要求。对于神经调质以及网络状态调控等原理的借鉴,有望对设计更加灵活,更有适应能力的人工信息处理系统提供有益启示。我们有可能从大脑的工作原理受到重要启发的第3个例子是如何实现小样本的学习和有效推广。目前取得巨大成功的深度学习依赖于庞大的样本数量,这与大脑卓越的“举一反三”,即小样本学习的能力形成鲜明对比[11]。原理上看,这意味着生物脑的学习过程并非从零开始,而是从学习之初,就拥有并运用了重要的先验知识,这包含了物种在进化过程中学到的(生物学称之为系统发生),以及个体在生活过程中学到的有关真实世界的关键知识[12]。读取这些知识,以及借鉴如何将这些知识作为先验信息注入神经网络结构从而实现小样本学习,可能会是神经科学以及类脑算法设计中一个富于成果的领域。 除了上面举出的几个例子,神经科学可能会对类脑算法设计提供重要启示的领域还包括对于突触可塑性的进一步认识,具体的各项脑功能在神经环路水平的机制等。几乎可以说,每一项脑科学的原理性发现,都可能蕴含着一颗种子,有潜力在人工智能的领域成长为像深度神经网络一样的参天大树。


        如果这样来看脑科学与类脑算法研究的关系,我们可能会发现很多可供借鉴的基本规律。下面简单分析几个例子。第一是我们可以向脑学习如何更好地实现算法设计的模块化。模块化设计早已被计算机科学所采用。在这样的设计中,问题的解决分成几个固定的部分(子问题),每一个计算模块(子程序)只负责处理其中的一个。这一设计的优势在于能使算法设计大大简化,易于调试,易于修改,可以逐步完善并增加功能。更重要的是,因为表面上看起来不一样的问题往往能分解成相似的子问题,这使得模块可以重复利用,大大提高了效率并使得高度简并的系统能够胜任复杂多样的任务[7]。模块化设计的优势显而易见,但面对一系列具体问题,应该如何最有效率地划分子问题,这本身是一个困难的任务。而这可能是我们能够向大脑学习的重要知识之一。真实的大脑是模块化设计的一个范例,每个脑区或亚区负责一个信息处理的环节或方面,而具体的模块划分是经过漫长自然选择加以优化的结果,已经适应了高效处理真实世界的实际问题。深度神经网络借鉴的对于视觉信息的多层、分步处理结构,某种意义上就是大脑模块化设计的一个方面。另外近期的一项研究显示,仅仅初步借鉴了非常粗略的脑功能模块划分(包括一系列视觉区域,一个记忆区域,一个决策区域以及一系列运动控制区域等),就能使得一个相对简单的系统胜任多种不同的任务   而AlphaGo 存在一个围棋盘面的估值网络和一个独立的走棋网络(虽然我们还不知道这是否是有意的类脑的设计,但这在原理上可能是类脑的划分),也说明了合适的模块化设计可能是其成功的一个重要因素。这些结果令人鼓舞,但我们对于大脑模块化设计的借鉴也许才刚刚开始。现在神经科学的研究正在为我们给出非常详尽的,包含数百个亚区的有关人脑的模块化分区图谱,包括每一个模块和其他模块之间的信息传递通路(图3)[9]。可以预见,这将对类脑信息处理算法的设计提供关键的启示。比如对于语言区的精细亚区划分及其功能的阐明,就可能对于语言处理算法的模块化设计提供有益的借鉴。有关类脑算法设计的第二个例子是我们可以向大脑学习如何调节网络的状态,从而灵活调控信息处理过程,使得系统能够适应不同的功能需求。

(1)LD(取指令) 一个常开触点与左母线连接的指令,每一个以常开触点开始的逻辑行都用此指令。

(2)LDI(取反指令) 一个常闭触点与左母线连接指令,每一个以常闭触点开始的逻辑行都用此指令。

(3)LDP(取上升沿指令) 与左母线连接的常开触点的上升沿检测指令,仅在指定位元件的上升沿(由OFF→ON)时接通一个扫描周期。

(4)LDF(取下降沿指令) 与左母线连接的常闭触点的下降沿检测指令。

(5)OUT(输出指令) 对线圈进行驱动的指令,也称为输出指令。




3)LD、LDI、LDP、LDF指令的目标元件为X 、Y 、M 、T、C、S;4)OUT指令可以连续使用若干次(相当于线圈并联),对于定时器和计数器,在OUT指令之后应设置常数K或数据寄存器。

5)OUT指令目标元件为Y、M、T、C和S,但不能用于X(1)AND(与指令) 一个常开触点串联连接指令,完成逻辑“与”运算。

(2)ANI(与反指令) 一个常闭触点串联连接指令,完成逻辑“与非”运算。

(3)ANDP 上升沿检测串联连接指令。

(4)ANDF 下降沿检测串联连接指令触点串联指令的使用的使用说明:



3)OUT M101指令之后通过T1的触点去驱动Y4称为连续输出。


(1)OR(或指令) 用于单个常开触点的并联,实现逻辑“或”运算。

(2)ORI(或非指令) 用于单个常闭触点的并联,实现逻辑“或非”运算。

(3)ORP 上升沿检测并联连接指令。

(4)ORF 下降沿检测并联连接指令触点并联指令的使用说明:



块操作指令(ORB / ANB)

(1)ORB(块或指令) 用于两个或两个以上的触点串联连接的电路之间的并联。




HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1ABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1ABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1ABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1

High current type

The circuit topology is named for the use of inductive elements in the DC link of the low-voltage converter. The input side adopts thyristor phase-shifting control rectification to control the current of the motor, and the output side adopts forced commutation to control the frequency and phase of the motor. It can realize the four quadrant operation of the motor.

High voltage type

The step-down transformer is introduced in the front section to step down the power grid, and then connect the low-voltage frequency converter. The input side of the low-voltage frequency converter can adopt silicon controlled phase-shifting control rectification, or two tube three-phase bridge direct rectification, and the middle DC part adopts capacitor smoothing and energy storage. IGBT components are often used in inverter or converter circuits. Through SPWM transformation, alternating current with variable frequency and amplitude can be obtained, and then transformed into the voltage level required by the motor through step-up transformer. It should be pointed out that a sine wave filter (f) needs to be placed between the converter circuit and the step-up transformer, otherwise the step-up transformer will heat up due to excessive input harmonics or dv/dt, or damage the insulation of the winding. The cost of this sine wave filter is very high, which is generally equivalent to 1/3 to 1/2 of the price of low-voltage inverter.

High frequency conversion

The high-voltage converter does not need the voltage rise and fall transformer, and the power device directly constructs the converter between the power grid and the motor. Because the problem of withstand voltage of power devices is difficult to solve, the current direct method is to use devices in series to improve the voltage level. Its disadvantage is that it needs to solve the problem of voltage equalization and buffer of devices, which is complex and difficult. However, this kind of frequency converter has no voltage rise and fall transformer, so its efficiency is high, its mode is high, and its structure is relatively compact.

Vector controlled high-voltage inverter has also been applied.

Current situation abroad

Major foreign frequency converter manufacturers have formed a series of products, and their control systems have also achieved full digitalization. Almost all products have vector control function, and the perfect process level is also a foreign feature. In developed countries, as long as there are motors, there will be frequency converters at the same time. Its current development is mainly shown as follows:

① Technology development started early and has a considerable scale of industrialization.

② The frequency converter that can provide extra large power has exceeded 10000kw.

③ The technical standards of frequency conversion and speed regulation products are relatively complete.

④ The supporting industries and industries related to frequency converters have begun to take shape.

⑤ It can produce power devices in frequency converters, such as IGBT, IGCT, sgct, etc.

⑥ High voltage inverter is widely used in various industries and has achieved remarkable economic benefits.

⑦ Internationalization and localization of products have intensified.

⑧ New technologies and processes emerge in endlessly, and are widely and rapidly applied to products.

Future situation

AC variable frequency speed regulation technology is a comprehensive technology of label and weak current mixing and electromechanical integration. It not only deals with the conversion of huge electric energy (rectification and inversion), but also deals with the collection, transformation and transmission of information. Therefore, it must be divided into two parts: success rate and control. The former should solve the technical problems related to high voltage and large current, and the latter should solve the software and hardware control problems. Therefore, in the future, high-voltage variable-frequency speed regulation technology will also be developed in these two aspects, mainly as follows:

① High voltage inverter will develop in the direction of high power, miniaturization and lightness.

② High voltage inverter will develop in two directions: direct device high voltage and multiple superposition (device series and unit series).

③ New power semiconductor devices with higher voltage and greater current will be used in high voltage converters.

④ At this stage, IGBT, IGCT and sgct will still play a major role, and SCR and GTO will withdraw from the inverter market.

⑤ The application of speed sensorless vector control, flux control and direct torque control will be mature.

⑥ Fully realize digitization and automation: ABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1parameter self setting technology; Process self optimization technology; Fault self diagnosis technology.

⑦ The application of 32-bit MCU, DSP, ASIC and other devices to achieve high-precision, multi-function inverter.ABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1

⑧ Relevant supporting industries are moving towards industrialization and large-scale development, and the social division of laABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1bor will be more obvious. With the further deepening of technical researcABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1h, domestic high-voltage converters can be compared with imported converters in theory and function, but due to the limitations of technology, the gap with imported products is still obvious. These conditions areABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1 mainly reflected in the following aspects:

① Major foreign products are stepping up their occupation of the domestic market and accelerating the pace of localization.

② The R & D capacity and industrialization scale are increasing year by year.

③ The power of domestABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1ic high-voltage inverter is also increasing. At present, the domestic application has achieved 20000KW.

④ The technical standardABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1s of domestic high-voltage inverter need to be standardized.

⑤ The industry supporting high-voltage inverter is very underdeveloped.

⑥ The production process is general, which can meet the technical requirements of frequency converter products, aABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1nd the price is relatively low.

⑦ The key components of power semiconductors used in frequency converters are completely imported, and will be imported for a long time.

⑧ The technological gap with developed countries is narrowing, and products with independent intellectual property rights ABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1are being applied in the national economy.

⑨ A frequency converter has been developed with the functions of instantaneous power failure recovery and fault recovery.

⑩ Some manufacturers have developed high-voltage frequency converters with four quadrant operation. With the rapid development of modern power electronic technology and computer control technology, the technical revolution of electric drive has been promoted. AC speed regulation replaces DC speed regulation, and computer digital control replaces analog control has become a development trend. AC motor variable frequency speed regulation is a main means to save electric energy, improve production process, improve product quality, and improve the operating environment. Variable frequency speed regulation is recognized as a promising speed regulation mode at home and abroad because of its high speed, high power factor, excellent speed regulation and starting and braking performance.

The previous high-voltage inverter, which was composed of silicon controlled rectifier, silicon controlled inverter and other devices, had many shortcomings and large harmonics, which had an impact on the power grid and motor. Some new devices developed will change this situation, such as IGBT, IGCT, sgct and so on. The high-voltage inverter composed of them has excellent performance and can realize PWM inverter, even PWM rectifier. It not only has low harmonics, but also improves the power factor to a great extent.

Industry characteristics frequency converter is a kind of equipment that enables the motor to operate at variable speed and achieve energy-saving effect. Traditionally, the motor with rated voltage between 3KV and 10kV is called high-voltage motor. Therefore, the frequency converter developed for the motor operating in the environment of 3KV to 10kV High voltage is generally called high-voltage frequency converter. Compared with low-voltage inverter, high-voltage inverter is suitable for variable-frequency speed regulation of high-power wind power and water pump, and can receive significant energy-saving effect.

With the increasing demand for energy conservation and environmental protection and the accelerated pace of equipment upgrading and transformation, China's high-voltage inverter industry has shown a steady growth trend. The market size increased from 1.1 billion yuan in 2005 to 6.3 billion yuan in 2011, with an annual compound growth rate of 35.4%; Its proportion in frequency converters also increased from 12.9% in 2006 to 22.8% in 2011. In 2012, with the improvement of frequency conversion rate, the growth rate of high-voltage inverter market is expected to reach 34.92%. China's high-voltage inverter industry should have the following operating characteristics 1 usage method:

• properly ground the ACS 800, motor and connected equipment, so as to ensure the safety of workers and reduce electromagnetic radiation and interference in any case.

• make sure that the cross-sectional area of the grounding conductor is large enough to meet the requirements of Safety specifications.

• the grounding terminals of multiple ACS 800 cannot be connected in series.

• in the installation sites that comply with European CE standards and other places where EMC radiation must be reduced, the cable inlet should maintain 360 ° high-frequency grounding to suppress electromagnetic interference. In addition, the cable shield must be connected to the protective earth wire (PE) to comply with safety regulations. • In power systems with floating ground or high ground resistance (>30ohms), do not install frequency converters with EMC filters (optional options are +e202 or +e200).

2. Only qualified electrical engineers are allowed to install and maintain the transmission unit.

• it is forbidden to install or reABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1pair the transmission unit, motor cable or motor with electricity. After cutting off the input power supply, wait for at least 5 minutes, and then operate after the discharge of the capacitor of the intermediate circuit. It should also be measured with a multimeter (impedance of at least 1 megohm) to determine 1 The voltage between the transmission input phases U1, V1, W1 and the cabinet frame is close to 0V 2. The voltage between terminals udc+ and udc- and the cabinet frame is close to 0V

• it is forbidden to operate the control cable when the transmission unit or external control circuit is energized. Even if the main power supply of ACS 800 is powered off, there may still be dangerous voltages introduced by external control circuits.

• all insulation tests must be carried out with the cable disconnected.

• when reconnecting the motor ABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1cable, ensure that the phase sequence is correct. be careful:

• no matter whether the motor is running or not, as long as the input power of ACS 800 drive is connected, there will be dangerous high voltage at the cable terminals of the motor.

• the brake control terminals (udABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1c+, udc-, r+ and r- terminals) have dangerous DC high voltage (greater than 500 V).

• when the relay output terminals RO1 ~ ro3 are connected with 115 V or 220 V (230 V), there is a dangerous high voltage. This CPU model pm3328b-6-1-3-e is used as a controller, i/o system and special module to meet the needs of flexible industrial solutions. In addition, it is equipped with 32KB user memory, 4K i/o, 8 racks and 0.22msecABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1/k logic execution. It is compatible with Ethernet, various bus moABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1dules, control and other advanced modules. The module adopts a single overall structure design, which is very suitable for thousands of applications, such as complex motion control, mining, water treatment, elevator control, high-speed packaging, injection molding, material processing, food processing, continuous emission monitoring, etc. By configuring only the systems you need, you can save critical space and reduce costs. In addition, it can also adapt to a wide range of applications, such as digital interfaces (for buttons, switches, proximity sensors, relays, contactors and many other devices), analog modules (with different resolutions for flow, temperature or pressure applications), pm3328b-6-1-3-e direct connection wiring or remote terminals, and local or remote i/o systems.

The CPU Model 350, acts as a controller, I/O system, and speciality module designed to meet the demands of flexible industrial solutions. Among other things, it comes with 32Kbytes user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks aABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1nd a logic execution of 0.22msec/K. It is compatible with advanced modules such as Ethernet, various bus modules, and control. Designed in a single overall architecture, the system iABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400ABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1235R1s well suited for thousands of applications, such as complex motion control, mining, water treatment, elevator control, high-speed packaging, injection molding, material handling, food processiABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1ng, continuous emission monitoring and many more. By configuring just the system you need, you save critical space and reducABB  PPA系列模块PPA322BABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1 HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1e cost. Furthermore, IC693CPU350 can also be adapted to a wide range of applications such as: digital interfaces (for push buttons, switches, proximity senABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE40023ABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R15R1sors, relays, contactors and many other devices), analog modules (with varying degrees of resolution for flow, temperature or pressure applications), direct connect wiring or remote termination and local or remote I/O systems. 1. Functions of redundant hot standby control system Schneider PLC redundant hot standby control system has the followinABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1g functions: ① application memory space ② system sending

Memory ③ function block ④ configuration ⑤ micro terminal on the front panel ⑥ periodic transmission of application data ⑦ program difference monitoring ⑧ ensure PLC memory

Consistency of content ⑨ automatic exchaABB  PPA系列模块PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1nge of communication port address ⑩ automatic exchange mechanism during communication

2. Characteristics of redundant hot standby control system Schneider PLC redundant hot standby control system has the following characteristics: ① advanced synchronization mechanism is adopted; ② System

The switching time is less than 100ms, usually less than 20~30ms; ③ Stronger performance, thanks to the internal structure of high-end CPU and integrated working memory; ④ Human nature

It is easy to use, with built-in keyboard and automatic program transmission, and does not need a separate redundant software option package. 1. Functions of redundant hot standby control system Schneider PLC redundant hot standby control system has the following functions: ① application memory space ② system sending

Memory ③ function block ④ configuration ⑤ micro terminal on the front panel ⑥ periodic transmission of application data ⑦ program difference monitoring ⑧ ensure PLC memory

Consistency of content ⑨ automatic exchange of communication port address ⑩ automatic exchange mechanism during communication

2. Characteristics of redundant hot standby control system Schn

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