

6. CPU

6.3 概念

6.3.1 时钟频率clock rate


6.3.2 指令instructions

一个指令包括以下步骤,每个步骤都是由CPU中功能单元(functional unit)处理:

  • instruction fetch 指令预取
  • instruction decode 指令解码
  • excute 执行
  • memory access 内存访问
  • register write-back 寄存次回写


每一步都需要执行。内存访问通常是最慢的,因为它通常需要几十个时钟来阅读或写主存,在此期间指令执行停滞不前,称为stall cycles(停滞周期),CPU缓存的必要性:它大大降低了内存访问所需的周期数。

6.3.3 指令流水线instruction pipeline



Modern processors can perform out-of-order execution of the pipeline, where later instructions can be completed while earlier instructions are stalled, improving instruction throughput. However, pose a problem. Branch instructions jump execution to a different instruction, and conditional branches do so based on a test. With conditional branches, the processor does not know what the later instructions will be. As an optimization, processors often implement branch prediction, where they will guess the outcome of the test and begin processing the outcome instructions. , the progress in the instruction pipeline must be discarded, .

6.3.4 指令宽度instruction width

同类型functional unit(功能单元)可以有几个,这样每个时钟周期都可以处理更多的指令。CPU架构称为superscalar通常和pipeline(流水线)一起使用,以增加指令吞吐量。

instruction width(指令宽度)是指同时处理的目标指令数量。现代处理器的宽度一般为3或4,这意味着每个处理器都有3或4个宽度clock cycle里最多完成3~四个指令。当然,如何执行取决于处理器本身, 不同环节有不同数量的功能单元处理指令。

6.3.5 指令长度instruction size

指令长度可变。比如x复杂指令集(complex instruction set computer,CISC),最大允许15Bytes指令长度;ARM,精简指令集(reduced instruction set computer,RISC),4字节对齐AArch32/A32处理器上的指令长度为4Bytes,ARM Thumb指令集中为2-4字节。

6.3.6 SMT

simultaneous multiprocessing(同步多线程)利用超标量架构和硬件多线程技术在一个时钟周期内实现CPU同时处理多个线程的指令。


每个硬件线程的性能和单独的性能CPU不同的核心取决于工作量。 为了避免性能问题,核心可能会CPU负载分散到每个核心,使每个核心上只有一个硬件线程处于繁忙状态,从而避免了硬件线程的争用。停滞周期重(低)IPC)工作负荷也可能比那些工作负荷更好。重指令(高IPC),因为停顿周期减少了核心竞争。

6.3.7 IPC,CPI

instructions per cycle,IPC,每个周期指令数CPU利用率是一个非常重要的高级指标。

cycles per instruction,CPI,每个指令周期数,IPC的倒数。IPC经常用于Linux社区以及perf分析中,CPI通常被intel用于其他地方。




6.3.8 使用率



6.3.9 用户时间,核心时间


6.3.10 饱和度saturation


6.3.11 preemption抢占


6.3.12 优先级反转priority inversion





6.3.13 多过程和多线程

6.3.14 字长work size
6.3.15 编译器优化

6.4 CPU架构


6.4.1 硬件



control unit 控制单元,CPU核心功能包括指令提取、解码、管理执行和结果存储。


The standard,英特尔处理器在使用,定了processor performance states)和processor power states ()。

P0 highest frequency states,部分英特尔CPU叫turbo bosst等级
P1 lower frequence states


C0 Executing. The CPU is fully on, processing instructions.
C1 Halts execution. Entered by the hlt instruction. Caches are maintained. Wakeup latency is the lowest from this state
C1E Enhanced halt with lower power consumption (supported by some processors).
C2 Halts execution. Entered by a hardware signal. This is a deeper sleep state with higher wakeup latency
C3 A deeper sleep state with improved power savings over C1 and C2. The caches may maintain state, but stop snooping (cache coherency), deferring it to the OS.


  • Level 1 instruction cache (I$) 一级指令缓存
  • Level 1 data cache (D$) 一级数据缓存
  • Translation lookaside buffer (TLB) 转译后备缓冲器
  • Level 2 cache (E$) 二级缓存
  • Level 3 cache (optional) 三级缓存(可选)

Intel通常把main memory之前的最后一级缓存叫做(可能是L3 cache也可能不是),也叫做longest-latency cache

For multicore and multithreading processors, some caches may be shared between cores and threads. For the examples in Table 6.3, all processors since the Intel Xeon 7460 (2008) have multiple Level 1 and Level 2 caches, typically one for each core (the sizes in the table refer to the per-core cache, not the total size).

The access time for the Level 1 cache is typically a few CPU clock cycles, and for the larger Level 2 cache around a dozen clock cycles. Main memory access can take around 60 ns (around 240 cycles for a 4 GHz processor), and address translation by the MMU also adds latency.



  • :缓存可以在任意位置放置新条目。比如LRU算法可以剔除缓存中最老的项目。
  • :每个条目在缓存里只有一个有效的地方
  • :通过映射(如哈希)定位缓存中的一组地址,再对这些使用另一个算法(如LRU)。

This is a range of bytes that are stored and transferred as a unit, 提高内存吞吐量。x86处理器典型的缓存行大小为64字节。


One of the effects of cache coherency is LLC access penalties. The following examples are provided as a rough guide :

  • LLC hit, line unshared: ~40 CPU cycles
  • LLC hit, line shared in another core: ~65 CPU cycles
  • LLC hit, line modified in another core: ~75 CPU cycles

memory management unit内存管理单元,负责虚拟内存到物理内存的映射转换。

上图中,MMU利用片上转译后备缓冲区(TLB)来进行缓存地址转换,如果缓存未命中,则有主存(DRAM)中页面(page tables)来处理,页面是由内核维护并通过MMU硬件直接读取。


,也被翻译为,为CPU的一种缓存,由存储器管理单元用于改进虚拟地址到物理地址的转译速度。当前所有的桌面型及服务器型处理器(如 x86)皆使用TLB。TLB具有固定数目的空槽,用于存放将虚拟地址映射至物理地址的标签页表条目。为典型的结合存储(content-addressable memory,首字母缩略字:CAM)。其搜索关键字为虚拟内存地址,其搜索结果为物理地址。如果请求的虚拟地址在TLB中存在,CAM 将给出一个非常快速的匹配结果,之后就可以使用得到的物理地址访问存储器。如果请求的虚拟地址不在TLB 中,就会使用标签页表进行虚实地址转换,而标签页表的访问速度比TLB慢很多。有些系统允许标签页表被交换到次级存储器,那么虚实地址转换可能要花非常长的时间。


Hardware Counters(PMCs)

Performance monitoring counters是观察统计资源的统称。


CPU cycles 停滞周期和停滞周期的类型
CPU指令 引退的(执行过的)
L1/L2/L3缓存访问 命中(Hits)、未命中(Misses)
floating-point unit浮点单元 操作
内存I/O 读、写、阻塞周期
资源I/O 读、写、阻塞周期


以Intel P6家族为例:

该类型处理器提供4个型号特定寄存器(mode-specific register,MSR)来提供性能寄存器,2个MSRs是只读计数器;另外2个MSRs用来对计数器counter编程,可读可写,称为事件选择MSRs(event-select MSRs)。performance counters是40位寄存器,而event-select MSRs是32位寄存器,下图是event-select MSR的格式图。

6.4.2 软件

支撑CPUs的内核软件包括:调度器scheduler、调度类scheduling classes、空闲线程idle thread。


time sharing 分时 可运行线程之间的多任务,优先执行最高优先级任务
preemption 抢占 一旦有高优先级线程变为可运行状态,调度器能够抢占当前运行的线程,执行较高优先级的线程
load balancing 负载均衡 把可运行的线程移到空闲或者较为不繁忙的CPU runqueue中去

图中的是组织等待执行的任务(waiting tasks),Linux的CFS调度器使用红黑树来组织管理。


函数名 作用
scheduler_tick() 系统定时器中断调用该函数来触发time sharing(分时),调度器会根据时间片(time slices)和优先级(priorities)来调度
check_preepmt_curr() 触发preemption(抢占)
__schedule() 线程切换管理
pick_next_task() 线程切换时选择高优先级的线程
load_balance() 负载均衡
idle_balance() 平衡线程迁移,迁移的损耗大于益处时,调度器会平衡,维持线程在同一个CPU上运行
task_hot() CPU caches warm(CPU affinity),CPU亲和度



Linux中的nice值设置了线程的静态优先级static priority,和这里调度器计算的dynamic priority有区别。


scheduling classes
RT 为实时负载提供固定的高优先级。内核支持用户级和内核级的抢占,允许RT任务以低延时被分发,优先级范围是0-99
O(1) O(1)调度器是linux2.6引进,比原来的O(n)性能高,动态的将I/O密集型任务的优先级比CPU密集型的任务优先级提高,对交互性任务和I/O负载来说延时更小
CFS completly fair scheduling,完全公平调度,linux2.6.23引入,利用红黑树管理任务而不是过去的run queue
Idle Runs threads with the lowest possible priority
Deadline Added to Linux 3.14, applies earliest deadline first (EDF) scheduling using three parameters: runtime, period, and deadline.

To select a scheduling class, user-level processes select a scheduling policy that maps to a class, using either the sched_setscheduler(2) syscall or the chrt(1) tool.

scheduler policies 使用的scheduling classes
RR SCHED_RR is round-robin scheduling(轮转调度策略),一旦时间片用完,它就被移到它坐在优先级的run queue末尾,让其他同优先级的线程去运行,使用 RT
FIFO SCHED_FIFO is first-in, first-out scheduling(先进先出调度),一直运行队列头部的线程直到它资源退出,或者一个更高优先级的线程抵达。线程会一直运行,即便在运行队列的当中存在相同优先级的其他线程 RT
NORMAL SCHED_NORMAL (previously known as SCHED_OTHER) is time-sharing scheduling and is the default for user processes(分时调度,用户进程的默认策略)。调度器根据调度类动态调整优先级。对于O(1),时间片长度根据静态优先级设置,即更高优先级的工作分配到更长的时间。对于CFS,时间片是动态的 CFS
BATCH SCHED_BATCH类似于SCHED_NORMAL,但期望是CPU密集型线程,并且不会被调度去中断其他I/O密集型线程 CFS
IDLE SCHED_IDLE uses the Idle scheduling class idle
DEADLINE SCHED_DEADLINE uses the Deadline scheduling class Deadline

When there is no thread to run, .(当没有可运行的线程时,会运行idle线程空闲线程)

the kernel “idle” thread (or idle task) runs on-CPU when there is no other runnable thread and has the lowest possible priority. It is usually programmed to inform the processor that CPU execution may either be halted (halt instruction) or throttled down to conserve power. The CPU will wake up on the next hardware interrupt.

Performance on NUMA systems can be significantly improved by making the kernel NUMA-aware, so that it can make better scheduling and memory placement decisions.

The CPU resource topology can also be understood by the kernel so that it can make better scheduling decisions for power management, hardware cache usage, and load balancing.

6.5 方法

6.5.1 工具
6.5.2 USE方法


6.5.3 负责特征归纳workload characterization


平均负载 CPU load averages(utilization + saturation)
用户时间与系统时间之比 user-time to system-time ratio
系统调用评率 syscall rate
自愿上下文切换评率 voluntary context switch rate
中断评率 interrupt rate
6.5.4 剖析法profiling


采集当前正在运行的函数或栈的基于时间的样点。通常用99Hz/CPU的频率采样,为何不用100Hz(100Hz容易发生lock-step sampling)。采样对性能是有损耗的,同样是降低时间频率、延长采样时间,这样平均损耗就小



storage I/O 采样量较大时,会产生I/O存储行为,这对原来的系统性能是一种干扰。比如perf record会记录perf.data文件。BPF中的profile(8)工具可以解决该问题(profile将sample保存在kernel memory里)
阅读分析样本 样本行量很大时,阅读分析也是一个问题,需要利用flame graph火焰图工具进行分析


6.5.5 周期分析cycle analysis


6.5.6 性能监控performance monitoring


  • 使用率:查看百分比
  • 饱和度:查看运行队列长度或者调度延迟

6.6 工具

6.6.1 uptime



System load averages is the average number of processes that are either in a runnable or uninterruptable state

Load averages 的三个值分别代表最近 1/5/15 分钟的平均系统负载。在多核系统中,这些值有可能经常大于1,比如四核系统的 100% 负载为 4,八核系统的 100% 负载为 8。

Loadavg 有它固有的一些缺陷:

  • uninterruptible的进程,无法区分它是在等待 CPU 还是 IO。无法精确评估单个资源的竞争程度;
  • 最短的时间粒度是 1 分钟,以 5 秒间隔采样。很难精细化管理资源竞争毛刺和短期过度使用;
  • 结果以进程数量呈现,还要结合 cpu 数量运算,很难直观判断当前系统资源是否紧张,是否影响任务吞吐量

每类资源的压力信息都通过 proc 文件系统的独立文件来提供,路径为 /proc/pressure/ – cpu, memory, and io.

其中 CPU 压力信息格式如下:

some avg10=2.98 avg60=2.81 avg300=1.41 total=268109926

memory 和 io 格式如下:

some avg10=0.30 avg60=0.12 avg300=0.02 total=4170757

full avg10=0.12 avg60=0.05 avg300=0.01 total=1856503

。total 是总累计时间,以毫秒为单位。

。我们以 IO 的 some 和 full 来举例说明,假设在 60 秒的时间段内,系统有两个 task,在 60 秒的周期内的运行情况如下图所示:

红色阴影部分表示任务由于等待 IO 资源而进入阻塞状态。Task A 和 Task B 同时阻塞的部分为 full,占比 16.66%;至少有一个任务阻塞(仅 Task B 阻塞的部分也计算入内)的部分为 some,占比 50%。

some 和 full 都是在某一时间段内阻塞时间占比的总和,阻塞时间不一定连续,如下图所示:

IO 和 memory 都有 some 和 full 两个维度,那是因为的确有可能系统中的所有任务都阻塞在 IO 或者 memory 资源,同时 CPU 进入 idle 状态。

但是 CPU 资源不可能出现这个情况:不可能全部的 runnable 的任务都等待 CPU 资源,至少有一个 runnable 任务会被调度器选中占有 CPU 资源,因此 CPU 资源没有 full 维度的 PSI 信息呈现。


6.6.2 vmstat



 vmstat [options] [delay [count]]

 -a, --active           active/inactive memory
 -f, --forks            number of forks since boot
 -m, --slabs            slabinfo
 -n, --one-header       do not redisplay header
 -s, --stats            event counter statistics
 -d, --disk             disk statistics
 -D, --disk-sum         summarize disk statistics
 -p, --partition <dev>  partition specific statistics
 -S, --unit <char>      define display unit   #设置显示数值的单位(k,K,m,M)
 -w, --wide             wide output
 -t, --timestamp        show timestamp

 -h, --help     display this help and exit
 -V, --version  output version information and exit

For more details see vmstat(8).
[root@localhost /]# vmstat -Sm 1 2
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 3  0   2269  71344    341  56880    0    0    77    48    1    1  4  2 93  1  0
 3  0   2269  71343    341  56880    0    0     0    24 29804 37752  4  2 94  0  0


r The number of runnable processes (running or waiting for run time). procs
b The number of processes in uninterruptible sleep.
swpd the amount of virtual memory used. memory
free the amount of idle memory.
buff the amount of memory used as buffers.
cache the amount of memory used as cache.
active the amount of active memory. (-a option)
inactive the amount of inactive memory. (-a option)
si Amount of memory swapped in from disk (/s). swap
so Amount of memory swapped to disk (/s).
bi Blocks received from a block device (blocks/s). io
bo Blocks sent to a block device (blocks/s).
in The number of interrupts per second, including the clock. system
cs The number of context switches per second.
Time spent running non-kernel code. (user time, including nice time) (以下都是占cpu time的百分比值)
Time spent running kernel code. (system time)
Time spent idle.
Time spent waiting for IO.
Time stolen from a virtual machine.
6.6.3 mpstat


CPU: Processor number. The keyword all indicates that statistics are calculated as averages among all processors.

%usr: Show the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level (application).

%nice: Show the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level with nice priority.

%sys: Show  the  percentage  of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the system level (kernel). Note that this does not include time spent servicing hardware and software interrupts.

%iowait: Show the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle during which the system had an outstanding disk I/O request.

%irq: Show the percentage of time spent by the CPU or CPUs to service hardware interrupts.

%soft: Show the percentage of time spent by the CPU or CPUs to service software interrupts.

%steal: Show the percentage of time spent in involuntary wait by the virtual CPU or CPUs while the hypervisor was servicing another virtual processor.

%guest: Show the percentage of time spent by the CPU or CPUs to run a virtual processor.

%gnice: Show the percentage of time spent by the CPU or CPUs to run a niced guest.

%idle: Show the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle and the system did not have an outstanding disk I/O request.

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