
ABB 5SHY3545L0016 IGCT模块

输出触发脉冲对称性和稳定性高,不随环境温度变化,使用时不需要调整脉冲对称度和限位。现场调试一般无示波器即可完成。硅触发板可广泛应用于工业各领域的电压电流调节,适用于电阻负载、电感负载、变压器一次侧及各种整流装置。 *以镍铬、铁铬铝、远红外加热元件、硅钼棒、硅碳棒为加热元件的温度控制。 *盐浴炉、工频感应炉、淬火炉、熔融玻璃的温度加热控制。 *整流变压器、调功机(纯电感线圈)、电炉变压器一次侧、升磁/退磁调节、直流电机控制。 *电压、电流、功率、照明(高压钠灯控制必须具有稳压功能PID无级平滑调节控制板)。 *单相、三相电焊机控制、电解电镀控制等 *同步机励磁控制、汽轮发电机励磁控制等 *软启动控制、调速节能控制等 *铜线退火设备等 *该控制板已成功用于控制带平衡电抗器的双反星主电路, 并获得极佳的控制效果

MAGPOWR <1ll manual tension control system is a low-cost solution suitable for winding, point-to-point and some specific unwinding applications. Our manual power supply can make f~ (2 ) drip off remanence, and 15 can use the complete power range of brake or clutch through Mo's unique skin-to-skin current performance. The system is most suitable for: (1) winding occasions that need natural cone angle; (2) point-to-point application occasions where the winding formation remains unchanged; and (3) occasions where a small amount of tension change is allowed in the unwinding process from full winding to winding core, the artificial power supply adopts current regulation mode, and when the clutch or brake changes from the ambient temperature to the working temperature, the mo output remains unchanged. You can choose 90VDC and 24VDC voltage supply with regulator, the rated current can be adjusted, and it can also be matched with magnetic powder brake to meet the application requirements of Rong. Optional installation method DIN standard guide rail (C E). Wall-mounted, printed circuit board.


标签: 电感纯铜线电感加热透热线圈感应

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