
单词 2012-01-19

mobilize [5mEubilaiz] v. 动员 mobilize mo.bi.lize AHD:[m?“b…-loz”] D.J.[6moub*7laiz] K.K.[6mob*7la!z] v.(动词) mo.bi.lized, mo.bi.liz.ing, mo.bi.liz.es v.tr.(及物动词) To make mobile or capable of movement. 移动:移动能力或运动能力 To assemble, prepare, or put into operation for or as if for war: 动员:为战争或仿佛为战争而集合,准备或投入工作: mobilize troops; mobilize the snowplows. 动员部队 To assemble, marshal, or coordinate for a purpose: 调动:集合、排列或协调一个目的: mobilized the country's economic resources. 调动国家经济资源 v.intr.(不如物动词) To become prepared for or as if for war. 动员:为战争或战争做好准备 mo”biliza“tion AHD:[-l1-z3“sh…n] (名词) mobilize [5mEubilaiz] vt. 动员 使流通 使运动 mobilize the masses 动员群众 mobilize [5mEubilaiz] vi. 动员起来 mobilizer n. ramification [7rAmifi5keiFEn] n. 分枝, 分叉, 衍生物, 支流 ramification ram.i.fi.ca.tion AHD:[r2m”…-f1-k3“sh…n] D.J.[7r#m*fi6kei.*n] K.K.[7r#m*f!6ke.*n] n.(名词) A development or consequence growing out of and sometimes complicating a problem, plan, or statement: 结果:发展有时复杂的问题、计划或陈述或后果: the ramifications of a court decision. 法院决定的结果 The act or process of branching out or dividing into branches. 分叉:分叉或分叉的行动或过程 A subordinate part extending from a main body; a branch. 分枝:主体分离的次级部分;分枝 An arrangement of branches or branching parts. 分枝分布:分枝或分叉部分的排列 ramification [7rAmifi5keiFEn] n. 分枝, 分叉; 分歧, 分裂; 分枝状; 分枝法 支流, 支派; 区分, 门类 衍生物; 结果, 后果 false ramification 假分支 lateral ramification 侧分枝式 nervous ramification 神经分支 preferable [5prefErEbl] adj. 更可取的, 更好的, 更优越的 preferable pref.er.a.ble AHD:[prμf“…r-…-b…l, prμf“r…-] D.J.[6pref**b*l, 6prefr*-] K.K.[6prWf *b*l, 6prWfr*-] adj.(形容词) More desirable or worthy than another; preferred: 偏爱:比另一个更令人满意或更有价值;偏爱: Coffee is preferable to tea, I think. 我觉得咖啡比茶好 pref”erabil“ity 或 pref“erableness n.(名词) pref“erably adv.(副词) preferable [5prefErEbl] adj. 更可取的, 更好的(to) M appears preferable to N. 看来M比N更为可取。 -bility n. preferableness n. upon [E5pCn] prep. 在...之上 upon up.on AHD:[…-p?n“, …-p?n“] D.J.[*6p%n, *6p%8n] K.K.[*6p$n, *6p%n] prep.(介词) On.See Usage Note at on 同“on ”参见 on upon [E5pCn] prep. =on 向上; 位于高处 逼近; 接触 紧接着 The enemy was upon us. 敌人逼近我们。 The Christmas holiday will soon be upon us. 圣诞节快到了。 【说明】upon或 on 一般可以通用, 但有以下区别: 表示日期时一般只用on, 不用upon 在某些习语中, upon和on 不能互相替换, 如:upon my word, once upon a time, on no account 动词在句末或句末的不定式后经常使用 upon, 不用 on, 如:nothing to defend upon on 比 upon [E5pCn] 通俗 corollary [kE5rClEri] n. 必然结果, 系, 推论 corollary cor.ol.lar.y AHD:[k?r“…-lμr-?, k?r“-] D.J.[6k%8r*leri8, 6k%r-] K.K.[6k%r*lWri, 6k$r-] n.(名词) 【复数】 cor.ol.lar.ies缩写 corol. A proposition that follows with little or no proof required from one already proven. 系统定理:由于刚刚证明的命题,需要很少或没有证据的命题 A deduction or an inference. 推论:推论或结论 A natural consequence or effect; a result. 结果:自然后果或效果;结果 adj.(形容词) Consequent; resultant. 随之而来;结果 Middle English corolarie 中古英语 corolarie from Latin coroll3m [money paid for a garland, gratuity] 源自 拉丁语 coroll3m [花钱买花环,赏金] from corolla [small garland] * see corolla 源自 corolla [小花环] *参见 corolla corollary [kE5rClEri] n. 【逻、数】系, 系定理; 推论; 必然的结果; 引伸 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + elasticity [IlAs5tIsItI] n. 弹力, 弹性 elasticity e.las.tic.i.ty AHD:[¹-l²-st¹s“¹-t¶, ¶”l²-] D.J.[il#6stisiti8, 7i8l#-] K.K.[!l#6st!s!ti, 7il#-] n.(名词) The condition or property of being elastic; flexibility. 弹性:有弹性的状态或性质;弹性 Physics 【物理学】 The property of returning to an initial form or state following deformation. 弹性:形变后恢复到原来形状或状态的性质 The degree to which this property is exhibited. 弹力:这种性质的表现程度 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + postulate [5pCstjuleit] n. 假定, 基本条件, 基本原理 vt. 要求, 假定 vi. 要求 postulate pos.tu.late AHD:[p¼s“ch…-l³t”] D.J.[6p%st.*7leit] K.K.[6p$st.*7let] v.tr.(及物动词) pos.tu.lat.ed, pos.tu.lat.ing, pos.tu.lates To make claim for; demand. 要求:声称对…拥有主权;要求 To assume or assert the truth, reality, or necessity of, especially as a basis of an argument. 主张…为事实,断言…为必要:假定或断言…为真实、存在或必要,尤指作为论述基础而作的假定 To assume as a premise or axiom; take for granted.See Synonyms at presume 认为公理:假定…为前提或公理;视…为当然参见 presume n.(名词) AHD:[p¼s“ch‹-l¹t, -l³t”] Something assumed without proof as being self-evident or generally accepted, especially when used as a basis for an argument: 假定,假设:未加证明而假定某事成立或为公认的事物,尤指用来作为论述基础者: “the postulate that there is little moral difference between the superpowers”(Henry A. Kissinger) “假设超级大国之间没有什么道德差别”(亨利A.基辛格) A fundamental element; a basic principle. 基本因素;基本原理 Mathematics An axiom. 【数学】 公设,公理 A requirement; a prerequisite. 先决条件;必要条件 Medieval Latin postul³e  postul³t- [to nominate to a bishopric, to assume] 中世纪拉丁语 postul³e  postul³t- [提名为主教,假设] from Latin [to request] * see prek- 源自 拉丁语 [要求] *参见 prek- pos”tula“tion n.(名词) postulate [5pCstjuleit] vt. 要求 假定; 以...为出发点 【数】公设, 假设 the claims postulated 要求事项 postulated point 假设点 postulate the existence of matter 假设物质的存在 postulate [5pCstjuleit] vi. 假定, 要求(for) postulate for certain conditions 要求某 些条件 postulate [5pCstjuleit] n. [5pCstjulit] 假定 先决[必要]条件 【数】公设[理], 假设; (作图的)公准 基本原理 postulation [9pCstjJ`leIFEn;-tFE-] n. postulational adj. postulator [`pCstjJleItE(r);-tFE-] n. accounting postulates 会计准则 additive postulate 附加 假设 Ampere's postulate 安培假设 antisymmetry postulate 反对称性假设 auditing postulates 审计基本原理 Bertrand's postulate 【数】伯特兰公设 defining postulates 定义公设 Euclidean [Euclid's] postulates 欧几里得公设 fifth postulate 第五公设 Hammett-Zucker postulate 哈梅特-朱克假定 homogeneity postulate 齐一性的假设 invariance postulate 不变性公设 Koch's postulates 柯赫氏要点, 柯赫氏定律(确定病原体) lattice postulate 点阵假设 Weissenberg postulate 韦森堡假定 postulate of completeness 完全性公设 postulate of induction 归纳法公设 postulate of order 数序公设 postulate of set algebra 集代数的公设 postulate of superposition 叠加公设 postulate 来自拉定语postulare要求的过去分词postulatus<poscere要求 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + sporadical [spE5rAdikEl] adj. 零星的 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + draw on v. 戴上, 吸收, 利用, 引诱, 向...提取, 招来, 临近 draw draw AHD:[drô] D.J.[dr%8] K.K.[dr%] v.(动词) drew[dr›] drawn[drôn] draw.ing, draws v.tr.(及物动词) To cause to move after or toward one by applying continuous force; drag: 拉:持续用力使之向或随某人或某物运动;拉: drew the chair closer to the table; a team of horses drawing a wagon.See Synonyms at pull 把椅子拉近桌子;拉车的一队马车参见 pull To cause to move in a given direction or to a given position, as by leading: 拉向:(引导而)使向给定的方向或位置移动: The teacher drew the children into the room to see the decorations. 老师带领着孩子到房间里去看布置 To move or pull so as to cover or uncover something: 拉起来:移动或拉动以盖上或暴露出某物: draw the curtains. 拉上窗帘 To cause to flow forth: 使流出: a pump drawing water; a blow that drew blood. 抽水的水泵;打出血的一击 To suck or take in (air, for example); inhale. 吮或吸入(如空气) To require (a specified depth of water) for floating: 吃水:需要一定的水深以使船浮起: a boat drawing 18 inches. 吃水十八英寸的船 To take or pull out: 取或拉出: drew a gun from beneath the counter; drew out a fat wallet. 从柜台下拔出一支枪;拿出一只鼓鼓的皮夹 To extract or take from for one's own use: 拿出:取出以供自己使用: drew strength from their religious faith. 从他们的宗教信仰中汲取力量 To eviscerate; disembowel. 取出…的内脏;开膛破肚 To cause to come by attracting; attract: 吸引,使…来: afraid the casino will draw undesirable elements to the town. 担心赌场会把不良分子吸引到镇上来 To select or take in from a given group, type, or region: 选取:从一定的团体、类型或地区中选出或吸收: draw clients from all levels of society. 从社会各阶层吸收职员 To bring to a certain condition or action; lead: 导向:导致某种条件或行动;引起: drawn to despair; drew them to resign. 陷入绝望;迫使他们辞职 To bring on oneself as a result; provoke: 激起:使自己遭受后果;激起: drew enemy fire. 引来了敌人炮火 To evoke as a response; elicit: 博得:引起反应;引出: a performance that drew jeers from the audience. 引起观众讥笑的表演 To earn; gain: 赢得;获得: deposits that draw interest at a rate of 5 percent. 利息百分之五的存款 To withdraw (money). 提取(钱) To use (a check, for example) when paying. 开支票:使用支票等付款 To receive on a regular basis or at a specified time: 定期支领:稳定地或定期地接受: draw a pension. 领取退休金 To take or receive by chance: 抽签:碰巧拿到或接受: draw lots. 抽签 Games 【游戏】 To take (cards) from a dealer or central stack. 取牌:从发牌人手中或中央牌取牌 To force (a card) to be played. 迫使对手方出牌 To end or leave (a contest) tied or undecided. 使成平手:撤出比赛或以平局结束比赛 To hit or strike (a ball) so as to give it backspin. 击(球)使之回旋 To pull back the string of (a bow). 拉开弓弦 To distort the shape of. 使…变形 To stretch taut. 绷紧 To flatten, stretch, or mold (metal) by hammering or die stamping. 轧制:通过捶打或印模而使金属展平、延伸或成形 To shape or elongate (a wire, for example) by pulling through dies. 拉伸:通过印模使(如金属线)成形或伸长 To inscribe (a line or lines) with a pencil or other marking implement. 画:用铅笔或其它做标记的器具刻线 To make a likeness of on a surface, using mostly lines; depict with lines: 绘画:(主要用线条)在平面下画某物;用线条描绘: drew a map of the area; drawing landscapes and still lifes. 绘制该地区的地图;描绘风景与静物 To portray in writing or speech; depict with words: 描写:语言或文字塑造人物;用文字描写: draws moving scenes of ghetto life. 生动地描写了贫民窟生活的片断 To formulate or devise from evidence or data at hand: 推断出:根据手边的证据或资料整理或设计: draw a comparison. 做比较 To compose or write out in legal format: 拟订:以法律形式写出: draw a deed. 拟订契约 v.intr.(不及物动词) To proceed or move steadily: 前进:前进或平稳地移动: a ship drawing near the shore. 船驶近海岸 To attract customers or spectators: 吸引:吸引顾客或观众: The new play is drawing well. 这出新剧十分卖座 To cause a flow of liquid: 使液体流动: The patient's veins don't draw easily. 病人的静脉血流不畅 To cause suppuration. 使化脓 To take in a draft of air: 通风:吸入一次空气: The flue isn't drawing. 烟道不通风了 To steep in or as if in the manner of tea. 泡开:浸透,如同茶的浸泡 To pull out a weapon for use. 拿出武器,以备使用 To use or call upon part of a fund or supply: 提领:使用或呼吁部分的基金或供应: drawing on an account; drew from the experience of fellow workers. 从存款中提款;利用同事们的经验 To contract or tighten: 收缩或收紧: material that draws when it dries. 干后会收缩的材料 To conclude a contest without either side winning; tie: 打成平手:比赛互无胜负;打成平局: The chess players drew in 32 moves. 棋手在三十二步棋后打成平局 To make a likeness with lines on a surface; sketch. 绘画:用线在平面上画;描画 n.(名词) An act of drawing. 拉:拉的行为 The result of drawing. 拉的结果 Something drawn, especially a lot, card, or cards drawn at random. 抽出的签:被抽取物,尤指签、牌或任意抽的牌 An inhalation, especially through a pipe or other smoking implement. 吸入:一次吸入,尤指通过管道或其它排烟 Something that attracts interest, customers, or spectators: 吸引注意的东西:吸引兴趣、顾客或观众: a singer who is a popular draw. 广受瞩目的歌手 The movable part of a drawbridge. 吊桥的可移动部分 A special advantage; an edge: 优势:特别的优势;优势: have the draw on one's enemies. 比敌人有优势 A contest ending without either side winning. 平手:不分胜负的比赛 A small natural depression that water drains into; a shallow gully. 溪谷:排水的天然凹陷地;浅沟 Games A draw shot. 【游戏】 补抽的一击:打缩球的一击(指主球击中目标后回缩的一击) draw away To move ahead of competitors. 超过竞争对手 draw back To retreat. 退后 draw down To deplete by consuming or spending: 耗尽:消费或花费而事耗尽: drew down our food reserves. 耗尽了我们的存粮 draw on To approach: 临近: as evening draws on. 当夜晚来临 draw out To prolong; protract. 延长;拖延 To induce to speak freely: 畅谈:引导自由发言说话: managed to draw the shy child out. 设法使害羞的孩子无拘无束地说话 draw up To compose or write in a set form; write out: 草拟;拟订:以固定的格式创作或写作;写出: draw up a contract; draw up a list. 拟订合同;写出一张清单 To bring (troops, for example) into order. 排列:使(如部队)排列整齐 To bring or come to a halt. 挺直:使或来到一个停顿 To bring (oneself) into an erect posture, often as an expression of dignity or indignation. 昂首挺立:使(自己)来到一个直立的姿势,通常用于表示尊严或愤怒 Chiefly Southern U.S. To shrink when washed. Used of clothes. 【多用于美国南部】 缩水:洗时收缩,用于指衣物 draw a blank To fail to find or remember something. 找不到或忘记某物 draw and quarter To execute (a prisoner) by tying each limb to a horse and driving the horses in different directions. 五马分尸:将(犯人)四肢绑在一匹马上,向不同的方向驱马,从而将犯人处死 To disembowel and dismember after hanging. 绞死后开膛或肢解 Informal To punish severely: 【非正式用语】 严惩: The teenager was drawn and quartered for wrecking the family's only car. 少年因损坏了家中唯一的汽车而遭到严厉的惩罚 draw straws To decide by a lottery with straws of unequal lengths. 抽签:用长度不等的草抽签决定 Middle English drauen 中古英语 drauen from Old English dragan 源自 古英语 dragan draw [drC:] vt. (drew [dru:]; drawn [drC:n]) 拉, 拖, 拉[拖]长, 拉成(丝等); 向某一方向拉 抽(出); 拔(出); (用抽签等方法)决定; 取出...内脏 汲[领, 提]取; 获得; 引出; 引起; 招惹; 招来; 吸(入); 吸引; 逗引...说话 描写; 草拟, 制订, 拟(稿); 描(图), 绘制, 画(线), 勾(轮廓) 开给(汇票等); 开立(票据等); 支领, 提取(钱) (船)吃(水) 泡(茶) 把...打成平局 [常用被动语态]扭歪(脸等) 根据一定的形式写出 【医】抽(血), 放(血); (用药)拔(脓) 【机】退火 draw a cart 拉车 draw a curtain across a window 把窗帘拉上 draw a bow 张弓 draw a thing along 拖着东西 draw a string tight 把弦线拉紧 draw the metal into a longwire 把金属拉成长丝 draw a sword 拔出刀 draw a nail [tooth] 拔钉[牙] draw a cork from a bottle 拔出瓶塞 draw lots 抽签 draw a chicken 取出鸡的内脏 draw beer from a barrel 从酒桶中把啤酒吸出来 drawstrength from the masses 从人民群众中吸取力量 draw a lesson 吸取教训 draw a good salary 领取优厚的薪金 draw 20 dollars from the bank 从银行提取20美元 drawinformation from sb. 从某人处得到消息 drawa conclusion 引出结论 drawone's attention 引起某人注意 drawtrouble 惹事 drawruin upon oneself 自取灭亡 drawair into the lungs 将空气吸入肺里 draw applause 博得喝彩 draw sb. into conversation 把某人引进谈论中来 draw a character in a novel 在小说里描绘一个人物 draw a deed 草拟契约 draw a picture 画图 draw a straight line 划一条直线 draw a comparison [parrallel, distinction] betweenA and B 比较[对比, 区别]甲乙 draw a cheque on a bank for 100yuan 向银行开一张一百元的支票 The street accident drew a big crowd. 马路上的事故吸引了一大群人。 The ship draws 28 feet of water . 那艘船吃水28英尺。 Some people draw their tea too long. 有些人泡茶时间太长。 The game was drawn. 比赛打成了平局。 His face was drawn with pai draw [drC:] n. 他痛得扭歪了脸。 vi. 拉, 拖, 牵; 拉开, 张满; 汲取 (牙齿等)被拔出; 拔刀[枪、剑] 向(某处)移动, 靠近, 走近(to, towards); (时间等)接近 划线; 制图; 画画 吸引人 用抽签(或抽牌等)方法决定 开立票据, 支取; 请求; 获得消息, 供应或其他事物 缩, 皱 打成平局, 不分胜负 (船)吃水; (茶)泡开 (烟囱等)通风 (猎狗)追踪(或接近)猎物 【医】(膏药等)吸脓 This old man's tooth draw easily. 这位老人的牙很容易拔。 The car drew near. 汽车驶近了。 They drew towards that village. 他们向那个村庄走去。 Winter is drawing near. 冬天快来了。 He draws badly. 他画得不好。 This play draws well. 这戏叫座。 This novel always draws. 这本小说始终吸引许多读者。 Her face seemed to draw with the cold. 她的脸似乎因为冷而收缩了。 The teams draw. 两队不分胜负。 Their ship draws deep. 他们的船吃水很深。 Let the tea drawfor 10 minutes. 把茶泡十分钟。 draw [drC:] n. 拉, 拖, 吸 拔出, 抽签, 拔牙[刀, 枪]; 开弓 支取, 提(款) 平局, 不分胜负 有吸引力的人 补进的牌 (吊桥的)可吊起部分 【医】(膏药等)吸脓 【地质】冲沟, 干涸的河谷 He is quick on the draw. 他拔枪很快。 The game ended in a draw. 比赛以平局结束。 He is a good draw. 他是一个引人注目的人物。 drawbeam n. 起重梁, 起重臂杆 draw-bit n. 松紧针钩 drawboard n. 跳板 drawbolt n. 紧固螺拴 drawbore n. 钻[笋]销孔 drawboys n. 手工提花织物 drawbridge [5drC:brIdV] n. 吊[开合]桥 drawcut n. 拉切, 回程切削 drawfile n. 横锉 drawgate [`drR:^eIt] n. 运河中的水闸 drawgear [`drR:^IE(r)] n. 车钩, 牵引装置; 驮马的马勒 drawhole n. 拉拔模孔 放矿口 drawhook n. 牵引钩 drawknife [`drR:naIf] n. 刮刀 drawknot n. 拉结 drawlift n. 吸入泵 drawleg n. 后腿 drawline n .(=drawrope)囊底束纲, 囊网括纲[纲] drawloom n. 拉花机 drawman n. 格筛工 格筛水平放矿工 drawnet [`drR:net] n. 拖网 drawout adj., n. 抽出(式的), 引[拉, 提]出, 描绘出 draw-pack n. 拔丝包装装置 drawpiece n. 拉制件 drawplate [`drR:pleIt] n. 划线板, 拉模板 drawpoint n. 放矿点 划针 drawrod n. 车钩联杆 drawrope n. (大而粗的)拉索 drawscrew n. 起模螺钉 drawshave [`drR:FeIv] n. 双柄削皮刀; 刮刀 drawsheet [`drR:Fi:t] n. 抽签结果表 draw-slate n. (煤层上随煤崩落的)板岩, 板岩伪顶 drawspring [`drR:sprIN] n. 牵引杆弹簧 drawstring [`drR:strIN] n. (提花机)综线 drawthread n. 丝线 draw-tongs n. 紧线钳, 板[导线]钳 draw-tube n. 伸缩管; 活镜筒 draw-twister n. 拉伸加捻机 drawvice n. 紧线钳, 拉钳 drawwell n. 汲水井 draw-work n. 绞车, 卷扬机 drawable adj. 可曳的, 可拖的, 可画的, 可发出的 a sure draw 肯定可以搜出狐狸的地方; 可引起议论之处 be quick on the draw 拔枪迅速[迟缓] [美俚]反应敏捷[迟钝] be slow on the draw 拔枪迅速[迟缓] [美俚]反应敏捷[迟钝] beat to the draw 先拔枪[剑]; 先下手 end in a draw 以和局结束 play off a draw 【体】(平局后)再赛以决胜负 play off a draw tie 【体】(平局后)再赛以决胜负 draw ahead 向前移动 超过(of) (风)向前吹 draw and quarter (古时刑罚)四马分肢 (绞死后)取出内脏, 肢解尸体 draw aside 把...拉开; 拉到 一边 draw away 拉开, 引开, 离开 (比赛中)跑到前面与别人拉开距离 撤离, 退缩 draw back 收回(已付关税等) 往回跑; 退却; 缩回 拉开(帘幕等) 撤回, 取消(建议, 计划, 诺言等) draw bit 勒着马不使快跑, 使马停止前进 放慢速度, 停止 draw bridle 勒着马不使快跑, 使马停止前进 放慢速度, 停止 draw  rein 勒着马不使快跑, 使马停止前进 放慢速度, 停止 drawdown [5drC:daun] 扯下, 放下 招来, 引起 领取, 赚 draw forth 引起, 博得(赞美等) draw from [draw out of] 使...说出(真相等) draw in 收(网等); 收回(借款等) 引诱; 使加入 (天)黑了; (日)渐短 紧缩开支 (车船等)驶进, 开到 (汽车)靠边行驶, 开进(某处)暂停 draw into (车船等)驶进, 开到 draw it fine (区别得)十分精 确 draw it mild [口](说话或做事)要有分寸, 不要夸张(通常用作祈使语) draw it label 夸张, 小题大做 draw near 走近; 临近 draw off 排出, 放掉(水等) 脱去(手套等) 消除(痛等) 转移(别人注意力等) 撤退(军队等) draw on 穿上, 戴上(靴子, 手套等) 吸收, 利用; 凭, 靠 动用; 向...支取 逗引(某人)开口说话 招来, 招致 接近, 靠近 draw oneself up 挺直身体 控制自己 draw out 拉长, 拖长, 扩展 掏出, 取出 提取(存款) 榨出, 抽出, 提炼出 召集; 使排好队; 派出 草拟, 拟出 逗引...说话; 诱使吐露真情 (白昼)长起来 (火车)开出(车站); (船)驶离(停泊处); (汽车)驶出 在前面拉开距离 draw round 围在...周围 draw around 围在...周围 draw to 吸引到...方面来, 使 接近 draw to toward 吸引到...方面来, 使 接近 draw together 把...连接在一起 使团结起来, (使)一致 召集, 集合 draw up 写出; 草拟, 制订 (车、马等)停住; 使(车、马等)停住 曳上, 拉起(鱼网等) 逼近(to), 追上(with) 【军】整(队) 把...拉过来 吸收; 消散, 驱散 air draw 气枕压延 bottom draw 底部吸引 cold draw 冷拉 deep draw 深冲压(金属板坯加工) down draw 下拉(玻璃管)法, 向下拉引 finish draw 精拉 full draw 开满弓 goalless draw 零比零平局 hard draw 硬拉, 冷拉 heads draws 头馏分, [俗]酒头 liquor finish draw 湿法拉制 mouth draw 与嘴齐高的拉弓法 open draw 开(放)式领纸; 开式牵引 rough draw 粗绘 single draw 单动拉延 tensile draw 牵引力 vacuum draw 真空抽吸 wet draw 湿部牵引力 wire draw 铜网牵引力 draw of barge 驳船 的牵引 draw of votes 票数相等 draw on a frame 脱框起模 draw on one's credit 凭信用借款 draw on pins 顶杆起模 draw on rollover 翻转起模 draw on turnover 旋转起模 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + attenuate [E5tenjueit] v. 削弱 attenuate at.ten.u.ate AHD:[…-tµn“y›-³t”] D.J.[*6tenju87eit] K.K.[*6tWnju7et] v.(动词) at.ten.u.at.ed, at.ten.u.at.ing, at.ten.u.ates v.tr.(及物动词) To make slender, fine, or small. 使减细,使减小;使减弱,使变薄 To reduce in force, value, amount, or degree; weaken. 使减弱:在力量、价值、数值或程度上减小 To lessen the density of; rarefy. 稀释:减弱集中程度;使变稀薄 Biology To make (bacteria or viruses) less virulent. 【生物学】 使病毒减弱:减弱(细菌或真菌)的毒性 Electronics To reduce (the amplitude of an electrical signal) with little or no distortion. 【电子学】 减弱讯号:在失真极小或不失真的情况下减弱(调幅或电子讯号) v.intr.(不及物动词) To become thin, weak, or fine. 变细、变弱或变小 adj.(形容词) AHD:[-y›-¹t] Reduced or weakened, as in strength, value, or virulence. 细弱的:指在力度、价值或毒性上减少或变弱 Botany Gradually tapering to a slender point. 【植物学】 渐狭的:至尖端逐渐变细的 Latin attenu³e  attenu³t- 拉丁语 attenu³e  attenu³t- ad- [ad-] ad- [前缀,表示“(运动的)方向”,“变化”] tenu³e [to make thin]  from tenuis [thin] * see ten- tenu³e [变细]  源自 tenuis [细 ] *参见 ten- atten”ua“tion n.(名词) attenuate [E5tenjueit] vt. 使变稀薄, 稀释 弄细, 弄薄 减少 【医】使病毒毒性减弱 attenuate [E5tenjueit] vi. 变稀薄 变细, 变薄 变弱; 衰耗 adj. [E5tenjuit] 稀薄的 细的, 薄的 减弱的 【植】渐尖的 attenuation [E7tenju5eiFEn] n. 变薄, 稀薄化, 变细, 衰减 attenuation [E7tenju5eiFEn] n. 稀释 变薄, 变细 减少, 减弱 【物】衰减 散布, 扩散, 散射 钝化, 不透明度 (玻璃纤维)拉细[薄] 驯化 acoustic attenuation 声衰减 adjacent attenuation 相邻频道衰减 apparent attenuation 外观耗糖[稀释]作用, 表观发酵程度 clear weather attenuation 晴天衰减 complete attenuation 总衰减 complex relative attenuation 【电子】复数相对衰减 critical attenuation 临界衰减 cross attenuation 交叉衰减 crosstalk attenuation 串音衰减 cut-off attenuation 截止衰减 cylindrical attenuation 圆柱状衰减 dielectric attenuation 介质衰减 direct-coupled attenuation 直接耦合衰减 dissipative attenuation 损耗性衰减 dough attenuation 面团变稀 erasing attenuation 消磁衰减(度) filter attenuation 滤波衰减 flame attenuation 火焰吹拉(玻璃纤维); 火焰衰减 four-terminal attenuation 四端网络衰减量 full attenuation 全衰减, 满阻尼 harmonic attenuation 【电子】谐波衰减 high attenuation 高消糖度 higher-order attenuation 高次(波的)衰减 image attenuation 镜频[影象]衰减 incremental attenuation 增量衰减 infinite attenuation 【电子】无限衰减 intrinsic attenuation 固有衰减 limit attenuation 界限发酵度 low attenuation 低消糖[发酵]度 natural attenuation 固有衰减 near-end crosstalk attenuation 近端串音衰减 negative amplitude attenuation 负值衰减系数 net attenuation 净衰减量 non-linear attenuation 非线性衰减 non-reflection attenuation 固有衰减, 非反射衰减 overall attenuation 全[总]衰减 overall line attenuation 线路净衰减 path attenuation 通路衰减 peak attenuation 峰值衰减 plane-earth attenuation 【电磁】平面-地面衰减 plant attenuation 被控对象振荡衰减 precipitation attenuation 【电磁】沉降衰减 radio attenuation 【电磁】射电衰减 rain attenuation 【信】雨致衰减 range attenuation (电磁)距离衰减 receiving attenuation 接收衰减, 净衰减 repeater loop attenuation 增音机环路衰减 residual attenuation 剩余衰减 second channel attenuation 镜象衰减, 邻频道衰减 sideband attenuation 边带衰减 side tone attenuation 侧音衰减 signal attenuation 信号衰减 skin-effect attenuation 集肤效应衰减 space attenuation 空间衰减 spherical-earth attenuation 【电磁】球形地面衰减 transmission-line attenuation 传输线衰减 transmitting attenuation 送话衰减量 treble attenuation 高音衰减 valley attenuation 谷值衰减 waveguide attenuation 【电磁】波导衰减 weather attenuation 气候衰减 attenuation of sound 噪声衰减 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + scale [skeil] n. 刻度,衡量,比例,数值范围,比例尺,天平,等级 vt. 依比例决定,攀登,测量 vi. 剥落,生水垢,重,攀登,衡量 scale scale 1 AHD:[sk³l] D.J.[skeil] K.K.[skel] n.(名词) One of the many small, platelike dermal or epidermal structures that characteristically form the external covering of fishes, reptiles, and certain mammals. 鳞:一种覆盖在鱼、爬行动物和某些哺乳动物体表的典型的小盘状表皮结构 A similar part, such as one of the minute structures overlapping to form the covering on the wings of butterflies and moths. 鳞状物:一种类似部位,如覆盖于蝴蝶或蛾子翅膀上形成覆盖物的微结构 Pathology A dry, thin flake of epidermis shed from the skin. 【病理学】 鳞屑:从皮肤上脱落下来的干薄表皮片 A small, thin piece. 小薄片 Botany A small, thin, usually dry, often appressed plant structure, such as any of the protective leaves that cover a tree bud or the bract that subtends a flower in a sedge spikelet. 【植物学】 鳞苞:一种小而薄的,通常是干的紧贴植物结构,如任一种覆盖树苞的保护性叶片或莎草属植物的小穗中包住花朵的苞片 A scale insect. 介壳虫 A plant disease or infestation caused by scale insects. 介壳虫害:由介壳虫引起的植物疾病或感染 A flaky oxide film formed on a metal, as on iron, that has been heated to high temperatures. 氧化层:给金属高温加热生成的片状氧化物,如铁上 A flake of rust. 锈迹 A hard mineral coating that forms on the inside surface of boilers, kettles, and other containers in which water is repeatedly heated. 锅垢:在锅、壶和其它盛水器皿中经反复加热后在容器内壁形成的硬矿物质层 v.(动词) scaled, scal.ing, scales v.tr.(及物动词) To clear or strip of scale or scales: 清除或斥去鳞片: Scale and clean the fish. 将鱼除鳞洗净 To remove in layers or scales: 除去旧层:除去…积垢或表层: scaled off the old paint. 除去旧油漆 To cover with scales; encrust. 覆以皮:以鳞覆盖;使生硬壳 To throw (a thin, flat object) so that it soars through the air or skips along the surface of water. 打水漂:掷(薄而平的物体)使其在空气中高飞或沿水面跳跃 Dentistry To remove (tartar) from tooth surfaces with a pointed instrument. 【牙科学】 除牙垢:用带尖工具除去牙齿表面的(污垢) Australian 【澳大利亚】 To cheat; swindle. 欺骗;诱骗 To ride on (a tram or train, for example) without paying the fare. 搭便车:不付钱便搭乘(如电车或火车) v.intr.(不及物动词) To come off in scales or layers; flake. 剥落:成鳞片状脱落;剥落 To become encrusted. 生水垢:变成附有外皮的 Middle English 中古英语 from Old French escale 源自 古法语 escale [of Germanic origin] * see skel- 1 [源于日耳曼语] *参见 skel- 1 scale“like adj.(形容词) scale scale 2 AHD:[sk³l] D.J.[skeil] K.K.[skel] n.Abbr. sc.(名词)缩写 sc. A system of ordered marks at fixed intervals used as a reference standard in measurement: 刻度:一种用作测量标准的有固定间隔的符号系统: a ruler with scales in inches and centimeters. 一把标有英寸和厘米刻度的尺子 An instrument or device bearing such marks. 刻度尺:标有这种标记的工具或装置 A standard of measurement or judgment; a criterion. 标准:测量或判断的标谁;标准 A proportion used in determining the dimensional relationship of a representation to that which it represents: 比例:用来规定一个标记与其所代表实物之间尺寸关系的比例数量: a world map with a scale of 1:4,560,000. 一幅比例为1:4,560,000的世界地图 A calibrated line, as on a map or an architectural plan, indicating such a proportion. 比例尺:在地图或建筑上表示这种比例的标有刻度的线段 Proper proportion: 适当的比例: a house that seemed out of scale with its surroundings. 与周围景致不相称的房子 A progressive classification, as of size, amount, importance, or rank: 等级:递增的级别,如尺寸、数量、重要性或军阶的等级: judging divers' performances on a scale of 1 to 10; a family that ranks high on the social scale. 从1到10分等级判定跳水者的表演;社会地位高的家族 A relative level or degree: 规模:相对的水平或程度: entertained on a lavish scale. 奢侈地游乐一番 A minimum wage fixed by contract: 最低薪资:合同规定的最低薪水: musicians playing a benefit concert for scale. 拿低酬劳参与慈善音乐会的音乐家 Mathematics A system of notation in which the values of numerical expressions are determined by their places relative to the chosen base of the system: 【数学】 进位制:一种记数法,其数值由其与所选进位制的相对位置来决定: the decimal scale. 十进位制 Music An ascending or descending series of tones proceeding by a specified scheme of intervals and varying in pitch arrangement and interval size. 【音乐】 音阶的升降:按一定间隔规律、音高变化和间隔大小形成的音调升降序列 v.(动词) scaled, scal.ing, scales v.tr.(及物动词) To climb up or over; ascend: 攀登:爬上或超越;攀登: scaled the peak. 爬上顶峰 To make in accord with a particular proportion or scale: 按比例尺绘制: Scale the model to be one tenth of actual size. 按实际尺寸的十分之一制作这个模型 To alter according to a standard or by degrees; adjust in calculated amounts: 调整:参照标准或度数改变;按计算量修正: scaled down their demands to fit reality; scaled back the scheduled pay increase. 缩减需求以符合实际情况;收回原先预定加薪的决定 To estimate or measure the quantity of lumber in (logs or uncut trees). 估计:以(原木或未砍之树)估计或计算木材的数量 v.intr.(不及物动词) To climb; ascend. 爬;攀升 To rise in steps or stages. 成梯状或阶段增高 Middle English 中古英语 from Latin sc³e [ladder] * see skand- 源自 拉丁语 sc³e [梯子] *参见 skand- scal“able adj.(形容词) scale scale 3 AHD:[sk³l] D.J.[skeil] K.K.[skel] n.(名词) An instrument or a machine for weighing. Often used in the plural. 称:一种用来衡量重量的工具或器械。常用作复数 Either of the pans, trays, or dishes of a balance. 秤盘:天平的秤盘、托盘或盆子 v.(动词) scaled, scal.ing, scales v.tr.(及物动词) To weigh with scales. 用秤称 v.intr.(不及物动词) To have a given weight, as determined by a scale: 重:经称量有(若干)重量: cargo that scales 14 metric tons. 重14公吨的货物 Middle English [bowl, balance] 中古英语 [碗,平衡] from Old Norse sk³l * see skel- 1 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 sk³l *参见 skel- 1 scale [skeil] n. 尺度, 刻度(尺, 盘, 表); 标度(盘),标尺 级别; 等级(表); 量表 比例(尺), 缩尺; 比率[值];【军】分划 规模, 大小, 程度, 范围 阶梯, 梯子, 阶段 【音】音阶, 音列 【数】进位法[制], 进制; 换算(法), 进位计数法, 记数法 (对木材的)估量, 积表 量计, 计量器, 测定计[仪] a scale to measure sth. 衡量某物的尺度 the scale on a thermometer 温度计的标度 scale model 比例模型 wage [pay] scale 工资等级 a map on the scale [to a scale] of a centimetreto five kilometers 按照一公分代表五公里的比例绘成的地图 run over scales (on the piano) (在钢琴上)练习指法 binary scale 二进制记数法 This ruler has one scale in centimetres and another in inches. 这把尺子上有厘米和英寸二种刻度。 He sings scales every morning. 他每天早晨练音[吊噪子]。 scale vt. 攀登; 爬越; 用梯子爬越 (按比例)排列; 增加(up); 减低(down); 绘制; 调节; 约略计算[估算] 换算, 改变[确定]比例; 刻度, 定标 scale new heights of science and technology 攀登科学技术新高峰 scale the wall by a ladder 用梯攀登越墙 scale a map 按比例绘制地图 The tax was scaled up [down] to 10 percent 税按比例增[减]百分之十。 scale vi. 攀登, (逐步)升高 衡量 scale-down [`skeIldaJn] n. (按比例)缩减, 降低;【无】分频 scalepaper n. 坐标纸 scaleplate n. 标尺, 刻度板, 标度盘 scaleover n. 过刻度 scale-up [`skeIlQp] n. (按比率)增加, 扩大, 升高 scaled [skeIld] adj. 有刻度的, 成比例的; 用云梯登城而占领的 high in the social scale 社会地位高; 为社会所尊重的 in scale (with) (与...)相称[成比例] on a big [large]scale 大规模地[的] on a small scale 小规模地[的] on the [a] scale of 按...比例; 按...规模 out of scale 不合规定比例 sink in the scale 降级, 降低地位 to scale 按规定比例 scale down 按比例缩减[小], 按比例减少[降低] scale up 按比例增加[提高] abac scale 列线图标度线; 诺谟图标尺 absolute scale 绝对量表 absolute temperature scale 绝对温标 accepted scale 接受尺度, 采用标尺; 承认等级 age variability scale 年龄差异量表 alignment scale 对准标尺 alphabetical rating scale 字母评定量表 altitude scale 高度标尺[比例尺] amount-of-change scale 等差尺度 amplitude-level scale 振幅电平标度 angle scale 角度盘, 角度标尺 analytical scale 分析度盘[算尺] arbitrary scale 任意标度, 任意刻度 arith-log scale 算术对数尺度, 半对数尺度 arithmetic frequency scale 算术的频率标度 ascending tax scale 累进税率表 atomic scale 原子标度 atomic time scale 原子时标 auditory scale 听觉灵敏度标度 auxiliary scale 辅尺 azimuth scale 方位角度盘; 方度角读数标尺, 方位分划 bank scale 倾斜标度盘 bar scale 图解比例尺BaumeМ hydrometer scale 【物】波美比重计标度 Beaufort wind scale 【气】蒲福风级 beer scale 啤酒标尺 bench scale 实验室规模, 工作台规模, 台架规模; 台秤 Beranek scale 【声】白瑞纳克等级 bevel scale 斜角规, 歪角曲尺 biological scale 生物学标度 biologic time scale 生物时间表 biquinary scale 二-五进制 black scale 黑色标度, 单色刻度盘; 暗刻度 blue-sky scale 【气】蓝天标 Breanek scale 贝拉尼克音标(一种任意噪声音标) Brereton (log) scale [美]圆木实积表 brightness scale 亮度标度[梯级] brine scale 盐水比重计 Brinell (hardness) scale 布氏硬度(刻)度盘[标尺] British Columbia log scale [加]圆木材积表 calculating [sliding, computing] scale 计算尺 calibrated scale 校准标度[刻度], 标定刻度; 测度标 calibration scale [chart] 校准表 caliper scale 轮尺 canonical scale 标准尺度 cathode-ray-tube scale 阴极射线管的标度 Celsius temperature scale 摄氏温标, 摄氏温度计 centigrade scale 百分标, 百分刻度, 摄氏温标 centre scale 中心标度 centre zero scale 双边刻度(中心为零) chart scale 图表比例尺 chromatic scale 半音音阶 circular scale 圆周标度, 标度盘, 环形度盘 colo(u)r scale 色标, 彩色温标 火色温度计 comb scale 梳尺 commercial scale 工业规模(的), 大规模(的) common scale of notation 常用记数法 comparative scale 比较计 compass scale 罗盘标度 composition scale 作文量表 computing scale 计算刻度; 计算尺; 求积尺 concentration scale 【化】浓度标度 concentric scale 同心刻度 contraction scale 缩小比例尺, 缩尺 contrast scale 对比量表 coordinate scale 坐标标度 cotangent scale 余切尺 counting scale 计算盘 crossed gray scale 交叉灰度纸 cuing scale 指示尺 cumulative scale 渐加等级 cumulative rating scale 等第递加评定量表 curved scale 弧形刻度 cyclonic scale 【气】气旋尺度 Dearborn's Intelligence Scale 迪尔伯恩智力量表 decibel scale 分贝标度 decimal scale 十进位制 decreasing [tapering] scale 递远递减运价表 deflection scale 偏移[量角器]标度 变位标尺, 挠度标尺 方向分划 横标尺 修正标尺 degree scale 分度规 density scale 【摄】密度标度 depth scale 测探标尺 descending tax scale 递减税率表 deviation scale 偏移刻度 diagonal scale 对角线标度[刻度]; 斜线比例尺 diatonic scale 【音】全音阶, 自然音阶 dimension scale 尺寸比例(尺); 比例尺, 尺标 dimensionless scale 无因次比尺[系数] DIN scale 德国标准感光度 diopter scale 照准仪分划, 视度分划 dioptric scale 折光标 direct-reading scale 直读式刻度 discrete scale 离散标度, 不连续标度 display scale 显示器刻度盘 distance scale 线性比例尺, 线性标度, 距离标度 dotted scale 建筑设计草图上用虚线表示的长度、高度、面积等 double scale 双刻度, 二重标度 Douglas scale 海况标度, 道格拉斯浪级 drafting scale 制图尺 draughting scale 绘图比例尺, 曳引标度 drawing scale 绘图量表, 制图比例尺 Dunfermline scale 登弗姆林营养指标 earthquake scale 地震震级 eccentric scale 偏心刻度 edge-illuminated scale 边缘照明刻度线 educational scale 教育量表 electronegativity scale 电负(度)标 elevationscale 仰角标度, 射角分划 engineering scale 工程比例尺 enlarged scale 放大比例尺 equal listener response scale 【声】等听觉响应等级 equally tempered scale 【音】等程音阶 equitonic scale 【音】全音音阶 evenly divided scale 等分刻度 exact scale 实在尺度, 精确尺 exaggerated scale 扩大比例 expanded scale 扩展刻度, 展宽刻度[度盘] exposure scale 【摄】照相纸曝光量范围 extended time scale 扩展时标, 慢时间标度 extension scale 延长刻度, 扩展刻度 伸缩尺 external draft scale 外部吃水标尺 Fahrenheit of temperature [Fahrenheit's thermometric] scale 华氏温标 factor scale 标度因子 fast-time scale 快速时标, 快速标度 fathom scale 标深尺 fine scale 精密标度 five point scale 五级分制 fluorescent scale 荧光刻度盘 focusing scale 【光】聚焦标尺; 聚焦调节刻度 fog scale 【气】雾级标度 folding scale 折尺 food action scale 嗜好欲望程度 Forel scale 【航海】海莱尔水色等级 frequency scale 频率刻度; 频标; 精度关系 frequency calibration scale 频率校准度盘 full scale 全刻度, 满标, 总标度, 全尺寸 functional scale 函数尺 fusibility scale 熔度表 general anxiety scale for children 儿童普通忧虑量表 geomagnetic polarity time scale 地磁极性时间表 geostrophic-wind scale 【气】地转风风速标尺 grade scale 年级量表; 分级标准 graduated scale 分度标, 分标, 分度[比例]尺, 刻度尺 grainsize scale 粒径分级标尺[刻度] graphic scale 图上比例尺, 图解[图示]比例尺 gravity scale 重度标度 gray scale 亮度[灰度]色标 grid scale 格网比例尺 half-size scale 半尺寸, 比例尺1:2 Hammett scale 哈梅特(酸度)标度 hardness scale 硬度计, 硬度表 硬率 hedonic scale 嗜好程度 height scale 高度比例尺 high scale 上刻度, 刻度上段, 高读数 hook scale 带钩尺 illuminated scale 照明标尺 image scale 镜象[图象]比例尺, 象标 impedance scale 阻抗标度, 阻抗比例尺 imperial scale 特大规模 indicator scale (剪切机上的)定尺指示器 inductosyn scale 感应式传感器刻度盘 industrial scale 工业规模, 生产规模 intelligence scale 智力量表 intensity scale 强度标 intensity scale of sea shock 海震强度, 海震级 international practical temperature scale 国际实用温标 international sea scale 国际海况级 interval scale 区间尺度 just scale 【音】自然音阶, 自然律 Kelvin thermodynamic scale of temperature (=Kelvin temperature scale) 开氏热力学温标, 开氏温标, 绝对温标[刻度](以-237℃ 为绝对零度) kinematic viscosity scale 动力粘度表 knowledge rating scale 知识评定量表 laboratory scale 实验室规模 last scale 最末尺度, 小尺度 length scale 长度规 line [linear] scale 直线标度, 线性标度, 直线比例尺 log scale 粗材测定, 原木检尺; 原木材积表 log exposure scale 【摄】对数曝光量范围 logarithmic scale 对数标度, 对数刻度, 对数标尺, 计算尺 logarithmic gray scale 对数灰度标, 对数灰度等级 logarithmic temperature scale 对数温标 logarithmic time scale 对数时间标度 logarithmically calibrated scale 对数校正标 log-log scale 重对数图尺[尺度] loudness scale 响度标度 low scale 低读数 magnetic [geomagnetic] polarity time scale 磁极性时间表 main scale (

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