
The size of basic data types

This table gives the size and natural alignment of the basic data types in C or C++.
Type Size in bits Natural alignment in bytes
char 8 1(byte-aligned)
short 16 2(halfword-aligned)
int 32 4(word-aligned)
long 32 4(word-aligned)
long long 64 8(doubleword-aligned)
float 32 4(word-aligned)
double 64 8(doubleword-aligned)
long double 64 8(doubleword-aligned)
All pointers 32 4(word-aligned)
bool (C++ only) 8 1(byte-aligned)
_Bool (C only[1]) 8 1(byte-aligned)
wchar_t (C++ only) 16 2(halfword-aligned)

[1] stdbool.h can be used to define the bool macro in C.

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