

本专栏是2021年12月1日计算机视觉方向论文收集积累的来源:paper digest



标题:EA GAN :两阶段高效进化结构搜索算法 作者:应国浩;何新;高斌;韩波;储小文 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历LG, cs.NE]突出:为了缓解不稳定性,我们提出了两阶段进化算法的有效性( EA )基于 NAS 框架来发现 GAN ,称为\ text bf { EA GAN }。 标题:基于不可见和保隐私图像域的人体在床姿态估计 作者:曹挺;穆罕默德;·阿里·阿明;西蒙·丹曼;拉尔斯·彼得森;戴维·阿利斯蒂扎巴 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历LG]突出:自我监督方法直接从数据中学习功能有效性的动机,我们提出了多模态条件变分自编码器( MC - VAE )在训练中可以看到丢失模式的重建功能。 标题:匿名识别骨架动作 作者:金敏贤;秦振跃;刘洋;金东宇 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历LG]突出:为了保护潜在的隐私泄漏,我们提出了两种匿名算法。 标题:统一的视觉变换器剪枝框架 作者:余浩;吴建新 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]在本文中,我们设计了一个统一的框架结构剪枝 ViT 和它变种,即 UP - ViTs 。 标题:Voint 云:用于 3D 多视点云表示理解 作者:阿卜杜拉·哈姆迪;西尔维奥·詹科拉;贝尔纳·加内姆 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历LG, 68T45]为此,我们引入了多视角云( Voint cloud )每一个概念 3D 点是从多个角度提取的一组特征。 标题:金字塔对抗训练改进 ViT 性能 作者:查理斯·赫尔曼等。 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]在这项工作中,我们提出了一项简单有效的金字塔对抗训练技术来改进 ViT 整体性能。 标题:在跨数据库微表情识别中寻找人脸显示区域 作者:蒋兴勋;宗元;郑文明 分类:综合类【综合类】突出:为了处理跨数据库的微表达识别,我们提出了一种新的领域自适应方法,称为传输组稀疏回归(TGSR). 第八条标题:在单视图三维重建网络中重建和识别的数据集分散视角 作者:周业凡;沈一茹;颜玉军;陈峰;杨耀清 类别:综合类突出:因此,我们引入了离散分数,一个新的数据驱动测量,量化了这一主导因素,并研究了它NNs. 标题:MMP TRACK :大规模密集标注多摄像头多人跟踪基准 作者:韩晓天等。 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]在本文中,我们在五个不同的环境和自动注释系统中提供了大规模密集标记的多摄像头跟踪数据集。 第十条标题:Air Object :嵌入对象识别的时间进化图 作者:尼基尔·瓦尔马·凯莎;王晨;邱玉恒;徐宽;塞巴斯蒂安·谢尔 类别:综合类综合类突出:在这种情况下,我们提出了一个新的时间 3D 对象编码法,称为 Air Object ,以获得基于全球关键点图的对象嵌入。 第 11 条标题:Neu Sample :神经采样场高效视图合成 作者:方洁敏等。 类别:综合类综合类cs.GR]突出:我们进行了现实合成的实验 360 $^{\ circ }$和真正的前瞻性,两个流行的 3D 并显示场景集 Neu Sample 实现更好的渲染质量比 NeRF ,享受更快的推理速度。 第 12 标题:基于单目二维图像的三维服装数字三维虚拟试穿系统 作者:马奇佳等。 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]在本文中,我们开发了一种强大的三维服装数字解决方案,可以很好地推广到现实世界中的服装目录图像,具有织物纹理屏蔽和大的身体姿势变化。 13、标题13、标题:热:注意变压器用于结构重建的整体边缘 亚特豪斯:嘉诚陈;一明·干;靖国神社·弗鲁卡(Yasuka Furuukawa) 类别:综合类突出:本文提出了一种基于注意力的新型神经网络结构化重建。它以二维光栅图像为输入,重建了描绘底层几何结构的平面图。 第十四条标题:通过打破黑暗来增强微光图像 作者:胡启明;郭晓洁; 类别:综合类突出:为了寻求令人满意的照明效果、清洁割和规则的原则,大大减少了退化纠缠。 第 15 标题:歌词改编:通过源目标对抗和自我诱导,提高学习域的不变性 作者:沈凤仪;阿基尔·古拉姆;阿赫迈特·法鲁克·金枪鱼;奥奈·乌法里奥格鲁;阿露伊斯·诺尔 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]在本文中,我们提出了一个新的 Trident - like 为了满足对抗的来源和目标的约束,架构强制共享特征编码器,同时学习域不变的特征空间。 第十六条标题:Diff SDF Sim :微刚体动力学具有隐形状 作者:迈克尔斯特里克;约尔格斯图克勒; 类别:综合类综合类cs.GR,cs.LG,中华民国】突出:在本文中,我们提出了一种新的方法,用符号距离场的微物理与摩擦接触表示对象的形状(SDFs). 第 17 标题:用于图像生成的卷积层 作者:申永国朴胜 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]本文介绍了一种新的卷积方法,称为生成卷积( GC onv ),为了提高对抗网络的生成,这是简单有效的( GAN )的性能。 第 18 条,标题:CLIP 参考图像分割驱动 作者:王肇庆等。 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]对比语言图像预训突出( CLIP )本文提出了端到端的灵感 CLIP 参考图像分割框架驱动( CRIS )。 第 19 标题:结构化群体稀疏性增强的形态检测 作者:波里亚阿赫代伊;巴里亚乔杜里;索布汉索利马尼;杰里米道森;纳米纳斯拉巴迪; 类别:综合类在本文中,我们考虑的挑战和人脸变形的攻击极大地破坏了边境保护机构等完整的人脸识别系统。 第 20 条,标题:CLIP 视频字幕机:属性感知表征学习促进准确字幕 作者:杨邦邹月仙 类别:综合类突出:具体而言,我们的实证研究表明, INP 与 CLIP 视频字幕模型难以捕捉属性的语义和敏感的背景信息。 第 21 标题:基于形态学约束的三维深度生成模型的反事实增强了大脑成像的公平建模 作者:庞博等。 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历LG]突出:我们的描述 Counter synth ,生成模型的微分变形诱导标签驱动的生物合理变化体积脑图像。 第 22 条,标题:EPose :让高效的 Pose 更普遍适用 作者:奥斯汀·拉里;罗伯特·贝恩;马赞·阿洛泰比 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历LG]突出:本文试图提高 Efficient Pose 通过简化数据收集和损失计算,推断对象大小的能力。 第二十三条标题:FE neRF :神经辐射场人脸编辑 作者:孙静翔等。 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出:我们提出克服这些限制 FE NeRF ,一个 3D 感知生成器能产生视图一致、本地可编辑的肖像图像。 第 24 标题:如何在静态环境中传达面部特征的注意力? 作者:贾内尔多曼泰 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出:本文旨在分析哪些视觉特征最有利于预测意识和疲劳,并扩展以往研究的分心检测。 第 25 条,标题:全范围稳定部分配备部分点云 作者:潘亮;蔡中刚;刘紫薇 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出:在这项工作中,我们提出了图匹配共识网络( GMC Net ),估计全范围 1 部分到部分点云配准( PPR )位置不变对应。 第 26 条标题:Plant Stereo :用于植物表面密集重建的三维匹配基准 作者:王庆宇等。 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]在本文中,我们的目标是解决数据集和模型之间的问题,并提出了一个高精度视差地面真相的大型三维数据集 Plant Stereo 。 第 27 条,标题于多尺度令牌聚合的自我关注分流 作者:任素成;周大全;何胜峰;冯嘉石;王新潮 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出:为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新的、通用的策略,叫做分流的自我关注~( SSA ),允许 ViT 模型的注意力在混合尺度每个注意层。 第 28 标题:后人:人体形状和状态分离的潜在表象 作者:桑德罗·隆巴迪等。 类别:综合类突出:在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新的神经隐式表示人体,这是一个完全微妙的空间,优化和解决纠缠的形状和姿势。 第 29 标题:基于标签传播的半监督三维手形位置估计 作者:萨米拉·卡维亚尼;阿米尔·拉希米;理查德·哈特利 类别:综合类突出:为了解决这个问题,半监督 3D 手的形状和姿势估计,我们提出了姿势对齐网络传播的 3D 从标记帧附近未标记帧稀疏注释的视频中注释。 第 30 标题:航空图像满足众包轨迹:鲁棒道路提取新方法 作者:刘凌波等。 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历AI]在这项工作中,我们专注于一项具有挑战性的土地分析任务,即自动提取交通道路遥感数据,广泛应用于城市发展和扩张估计。 第 31 条,标题:用于目标检测和实例分割任务的 MIS 数据集 作者:钦坦·通迪亚;拉吉夫·库马尔;乌姆·达马尼;西瓦库马尔 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]本文介绍了突出性 MIS Check - Dam ,从卫星图像中建立自动化系统的检测和测绘,重点是农业灌溉结构的重要性。 第 32 条,标题于空间和多尺度感知的零帧语义分割 作者:查成国;王育雄 类别: c.简历 [cs.简历]突出在本文中,我们解决 L - ZS SS 有一个限制,这是一个优点的零射击学习推广。 第 33 条,标题:在野外的幻觉神经辐射场 作者:陈星宇等。 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历AI]突出:为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个端到端的框架构建一个幻觉 Ne RF ,称为 H - Ne RF 。 第 34 条,标题:基于深度学习的下颌骨根管通道自动追踪 作者:于泽云 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出:在这里,我们提出了一个基于深度学习的框架来检测下颌管从CBCT数据 第 35 条,标题:采样 Aug :论贴片采样增强对单图像超分辨率的重要性 作者:王世尊等。 分类:综合类【综合类】突出在本文中,我们提出了一个简单而有效的数据增强方法。 第 36 条,标题:Map Reader :一个用于按比例对地图进行语义探索的计算机视觉管道 作者:霍赛尼;威尔逊;比伦;麦克多诺 类别:综合类【综合类】cs.LG,中欧和东欧重点:我们介绍了MapReader,这是一个用Python编写的免费开源软件库,用于分析大型地图集合(扫描或出生为数字)。 第37条,标题1:魔鬼在边缘:基于边缘的标签平滑用于网络校准 刘海;伊斯梅尔·本·艾德;阿德里安·加德兰;何塞·多尔兹 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历LG]突出:根据我们的观察,我们提出了一个简单而灵活的推广不等式约束的基础上,施加一个可控的边际 log it 距离。 第 38 条,标题:人类不可感知攻击及其在提高公平性中的应用 作者:华欣茹;许环忠;白泽;阮越 类别:综合类突出:我们提供了一个分布式鲁棒优化( DRO )框架,它集成了基于人类的图像质量评估方法,以设计最佳的攻击是人类难以察觉的,但显着破坏深度神经网络。 第 39 条,标题:重建学生关注学生-教师金字塔匹配 作者:山田慎二;贺田和宏 分类:综合类【综合类】突出在这里,我们提出了一个强大的方法来弥补的缺点STPM. 第 40 条,标题:半局部卷积在激光雷达扫描处理中的应用 作者:拉里萨·特里斯;戴维·彼得; J ·马里斯·齐尔纳 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历LG]突出:因此,我们提出了半局部卷积( SLC ),一个卷积层的重量分担量减少沿垂直尺寸。 第 41 条,标题:ConDA :通过正则域级联实现 LiDAR 分割的无监督域自适应 作者:孔令东;尼亚姆·奎德;梁艾林 类别:综合类【综合类】cs.LG,中华民国】突出在这项工作中,我们在这方面进行了改进和扩展。 第 42 条,标题:可变形 Proto P Net :一种基于可变形原型的可解释图像分类器 作者:琼恩·唐纳利;艾丽娜·杰德·巴内特;陈超凡 分类:综合类【综合类】cs.LG]突出在本文中,我们提出了一种基于案例的解释性神经网络,提供空间上灵活的原型,称为可变形的原型部分网络(可变形 Proto P Net )的缺点。 第 43 条,标题:Ada ViT :高效图像识别的自适应视觉变换器 作者:孟令臣等。 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出:在本文中,我们认为,由于图像之间的巨大变化,他们需要建模之间的远程依赖补丁不同。 第 44 条,标题:360 单深度:高分辨率 360 °单目深度估计 作者:曼努埃尔·雷-阿雷;袁明泽;克里斯蒂安·理查德 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出在这项工作中,我们提出了一个灵活的框架,从高分辨率的 360 {\ de g }图像使用切线图像的单目深度估计。 第 45 条,标题:Hyper Style :利用 HyperNetworks 进行 Style GAN 反演,用于真图像编辑 作者:尤瓦尔·阿拉卢夫;奥马尔·托夫;罗恩·莫卡季;里农·加尔;阿米特· H ·伯马诺 类别:综合类突出在这项工作中,我们将这种方法引入到领域的编码器为基础的反演。 第 46 条,标题:ZZ - Net :二维点云通用旋转等变结构 作者:格奥尔格·巴克曼;弗雷德里克·卡尔;阿克塞尔·福林思 类别:综合类【综合类】cs.LG]突出在本文中,我们关注的旋转等方差的 2D 点云数据。 第四十七条,标题:有效的视觉变换器的自适应令牌采样 作者:莫森法耶兹等。 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出:在这项工作中,我们,因此,引入一个可微分的无参数自适应令牌采样( ATS )模块,它可以插入到任何现有的视觉变压器架构。 第四十八条,标题:用于视频帧插值的时空多流网络 作者:多力坤达尼尔;张凡;大卫布尔 分类:综合类【综合类】突出:在此背景下,我们提出了一种新的基于深度学习的 VF I 方法, ST - MF Net ,基于时空多流架构。 第 49 条,标题:基于无人机图像的输电铁塔损伤自动检测 作者:阿莱索·坎贝罗·巴雷罗;克莱门斯·西博尔德;安娜·希尔曼;彼得·艾塞特 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出: 我们的主要贡献是开发一个系统,用于远程获取的无人机图像上的损伤检测,应用技术来克服数据稀缺性和模糊性的问题,以及评估这种方法来解决这个特定问题的可行性。 第 50 条,标题:MC - SSL 0.0:走向多概念自我监控学习 作者:萨拉阿蒂托;穆罕默德阿维斯;阿马拉法鲁克;冯振华;约瑟夫基特勒 类别:综合类【综合类】cs.LG]突出:本研究的目的是调查的可能性建模的所有概念,在图像中存在的不使用标签。 第 51 条,标题:通过对象级整合实现大规模视频分析 作者:丹尼尔里瓦斯;弗朗切斯克基姆;约德波罗;大卫卡雷拉 类别:第五号公约[第六号公约]突出在本文中,我们提出 Fo MO (专注于移动物体)。 第 52 条标题:基于半监督包围盒挖掘的点云实例分割 作者:廖永斌等。 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历AI]突出在本文中,我们介绍了第一个半监督点云实例分割框架( SP IB )使用标记和未标记的边界框作为监督。 第 53 条标题:Affect - DML :基于深度度量学习的人的情感的上下文感知单点识别 作者:彭坤宇等。 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出在本文中,我们概念化的一杆识别的背景下的情绪-一个新的问题,旨在从一个单一的支持样本识别人类的情感状态在更细的粒子水平。 第 54 条,标题:超级神经元图像去噪:为什么要深入? 作者: 朱奈德·马利克 ;塞尔坎·基拉尼亚兹 ;蒙塞夫·加布伊 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历LG]突出:由于非本地信息的集成是已知的,以利于去噪,在这项工作中,我们调查的合成和现实世界的图像去噪超级神经元的使用。 第 55 条,标题:Assist SR :以事后为中心的问题驱动的视频片段检索 作者:雷思丹;王宇轩;毛东兴;高迪飞;郑寿 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出:相比之下,我们提出了一个新的任务称为阿富汗为中心的问题驱动的视频片段检索( AQ VSR )。 第五十六届会议,标题:基于优化元学习的摄像机畸变感知三维人体姿态估计 作者:曹汉乙;曹育申;于家明;金俊模 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出在本文中,我们提出了一个简单而有效的模型,可以快速适应任何失真的环境,利用 MA ML ,一个代表性的优化为基础的元学习算法的三维人体姿态估计视频。 第五十七条标题:Nee Drop :基于针滴落的稀疏点云形状自监控表示 作者:亚历山大·博奇;皮埃尔·阿兰·朗格鲁瓦;吉尔斯·普伊;雷诺·马莱 类别:综合类【综合类】cs.CG,cs.LG]突出:相比之下,我们介绍{\ method },一个自我监督的方法学习形状表示可能非常稀疏的点云。 第 58 条,标题:视频复原中的时间对齐方法研究 作者:周坤;李文波;卢丽颖;韩晓光;卢江波 类别:综合类突出:在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新的,通用的迭代对准模块,采用逐步细化的计划,子对准,产生更准确的运动补偿。 第 59 条标题:基于视频的抑郁症识别的两阶段时间建模框架使用图形表示 作者:许嘉琪;宋思扬;库尔西·库苏曼;哈蒂丝·古尼斯;米歇尔·瓦尔斯塔尔 类别:cs.CV[cs.CV,68T40,I.2.1]突出:在这个意义上,我们提出了一个两阶段的框架,模型抑郁症的严重程度从多尺度的短期和视频级的面部行为。 第 60 条,标题:单光子三维成像的自适应门控技术 作者:包瑞安;潘德亚;安尼斯 类别:综合类突出:我们提出了一个自适应门控方案建立在汤普森采样。 第 61 条,标题:NeRF ReN :带反射的神经辐射场 作者:郭元晨;康迪;包林超;何玉;张松海 类别:综合类【综合类】cs.GR]突出:具体而言,我们建议将一个场景分割成发射和反射组件,和模型的两个组件与独立的神经辐射场。 第 62 条,标题:DA Former :改进领域自适应语义分割的网络架构和训练策略 作者:霍耶;戴登新;范古尔 类别:综合类突出:由于获取像素明智的注释的真实世界的图像的语义分割是一个昂贵的过程,模型可以训练更容易的合成数据和适应真实的图像,而不需要他们的注释。 第 63 条,标题:图像编辑生成模型 Edibert 作者:蒂博·伊森胡特;乌戈·塔涅利安;玛丽;戴维·皮卡德 类别:综合类【综合类】cs.LG]突出:在本文中,我们的目标是向统一的图像编辑方法迈出一步。 第 64 条,标题:多路径++:行为预测的有效信息融合和轨迹聚合 作者:巴拉克里什南·瓦拉达拉詹等。 分类:综合类【综合类】cs.LG,中华民国】突出:在本文中,我们提出了多路径++,未来的预测模型,实现了国家的最先进的性能上流行的基准。 第 65 条,标题:多模式文本识别网络:视觉特征与语义特征的交互增强 作者:那炳虎;金允植;朴胜瑞 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出本文介绍了一种新的方法,称为多模态文本识别网络( MA TRN ),使视觉和语义特征之间的相互作用,更好的识别性能。 第 66 条,标题:人再识别的无监督域泛化:一种特定域的自适应框架 作者:齐磊;王磊;石英环;新庚 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出在本文中,我们转而研究无监督域的概括 Re ID ,假设没有标签是可用的任何源域。 第 67 条,标题:用于医学图像配准的正则化方向表示 作者:文森特·雅文;皮埃尔·亨利·康泽;纪尧姆·达登;朱利安·伯特;迪米特里·维斯维基斯 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出: 遵循这一研究路径,我们提出了一种新的方法,用于单模态和多模态图像配准的基础上,来自结构信息,如梯度矢量流场,我们称之为\ text it {矢量场相似度}的正则化矢量场的对齐。 第 68 条,标题:基于事件的结构光 作者:马纳斯·穆格里卡尔;吉列尔莫·加列戈;大卫·斯卡拉穆扎 类别:综合类突出:我们提出了一种新的结构光系统,使用事件相机,以解决准确和高速深度传感的问题。 第 69 条,标题:SketchEd it :基于局部草图的免掩码局部图像处理 作者:曾宇;林哲;帕特尔 类别:综合类【综合类】cs.MM]突出为此,我们研究了一种基于草图的图像处理的新范式:无掩模局部图像处理,它只需要用户的草图输入,并利用整个原始图像。 第 70 条,标题:用于 ToF 数据去噪的光线定向深度更新卷积 作者:迈克尔·谢林;佩德罗·赫莫希拉;蒂莫·罗平斯基 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出:在本文中,我们提出了一种迭代去噪方法操作在 3D 空间中,这是设计来学习2.5 D 数据,使 3D 点卷积,以纠正点的位置沿视图方向。 第 71 条,标题:从部分注释数据中学习多个稠密预测任务 作者:李卫红;刘夏雷;哈坎·比伦 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出在本文中,我们提出了一种标签有效的方法,并在多个密集的预测任务的部分注释数据,我们称之为多任务部分监督学习的联合学习。 第 72 条,标题:空穴鲁棒线框检测 作者:孔乃金;朴基旺;哈什蒂·高卡 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出:我们表明定性和定量,我们的方法显着优于以前的作品无法处理的孔,以及提高普通的检测无孔。 第 73 条,标题:利用深度神经网络学习的拓扑一致性 作者:斯图亚特辛纳考斯基;法比安贝尼特兹奎罗斯;阿莱克斯马丁内斯 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历LG]突出在这项工作中,我们定义了一类新的拓扑特征,准确地描述学习的进展,同时快速计算在运行时间。 第 74 条,标题:ART Seg :使用注意力进行热图像语义分割 作者:法金·穆尼尔;肖艾卜·阿扎姆;联合国法蒂玛;蒙古·全 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历AI]突出在这项工作中,我们已经采用了热相机的语义分割。 第 75 条,标题:图像字幕的神经注意:优秀方法综述 作者:赞亚尔·祖霍里安沙扎迪;朱加尔·卡利塔 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出在这项调查中,我们提供了一个文献回顾,专注的图像字幕深度学习模型。 第 76 条,标题:理论上,人脸识别系统最可怕的变形噩梦 作者:尤娜· M ·凯利;雷蒙德·韦尔德胡斯;卢克·斯普雷沃斯 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出:我们提出了一种方法来创建第三种,不同类型的变形,具有更容易训练的优点。 第 77 条,标题:无源非监督域自适应三维目标检测的注意原型 作者:迪普蒂·赫格德;维沙尔·帕特尔 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出:我们提出了一个单帧的方法,无源,无监督的域适应基于激光雷达的 3D 对象检测器,使用类原型,以减轻效果伪标签噪声。 第 78 条,标题:CT 块:一种新的点云局部和全局特征提取器 作者:郭尚伟;李军;赖正超;孟宪同;韩少坤 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出在本文中,我们提出了一种新的模块,可以同时提取和融合局部和全局的功能,这被命名为 CT 块。 第 79 条,标题:基于多层网络图处理的高光谱图像分割 作者:张松阳;邓勤文;丁志 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历,哎呀。SP]突出:利用最近开发的多层网络图形信号处理(M-GSP),这项工作提出了几种方法 HSI 分割的基础上M-GSP特征提取。 第 80 条,标题:Poly World :基于图神经网络的卫星影像多边形建筑物提取 作者:斯特凡诺·佐齐;沙巴布·巴兹拉夫肯;斯特凡·哈本舒斯;弗里德里希·弗朗多夫 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出本文介绍了 Poly World ,一个神经网络,直接从图像中提取建筑顶点,并正确连接它们,以创建精确的多边形。 第 81 条,标题:扩散自动编码器:一种有意义的、可解码的表示 作者:孔帕特·普雷查库尔;纳塔纳特·查提;苏蒂萨克·韦兹德旺萨;苏帕索恩·苏瓦亚纳科恩 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出:我们的关键思想是使用一个可学习的编码器发现的高级语义,和 DPM 作为解码器建模剩余的随机变化。 第 82 条,标题:基于语义局部参数模型的三维人体形体概率估计 作者:阿卡什·森古普塔;伊格纳斯·布维蒂斯;罗伯托·奇波拉 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出: 相反,我们提出了一种方法:(I)以语义体度量的形式预测局部体形状的分布;(2)使用线性映射将身体测量上的局部分布转换为SMPL形状参数上的全局分布。 83,标题1,标题:HRNET:面向面具检测和社会距离的边缘人工智能 Kinshuk Sengupta;Praveen Ranvastava 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历AI]突出:本文的目的是为社区提供创新的新兴技术框架,以应对疫情。 第 84 条,标题:FMD - cG AN :使用条件生成对抗网络的快速运动去模糊 作者:贾廷库马尔;因德拉深马斯坦;尚穆甘纳森拉曼 类别:比较类[比较类,第四章,第一. 4 . 3 ;第一. 4 . 4 ]突出:在本文中,我们提出了一个快速的运动去模糊条件生成对抗网络( FMD - cG AN ),有助于在盲运动的单图像去模糊。 第 85 条,标题:无监督领域自适应:一个现实检验 作者:凯文·马斯格雷夫;塞尔日·贝隆吉;林胜男 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]突出: 在本文中,我们通过大规模试验表明: 1 )在 oracle 设置中,UDA 算法之间的准确性差异比之前认为的要小, 2 )最先进的验证方法与准确性没有很好的相关性, 3 )验证方法导致的准确度下降,使 UDA 方法之间的差异相形见绌。 第 86 段,标题:利用遗传算法生成人脸图像识别中的对抗示例 作者:安德鲁·梅里根;阿兰·斯米顿 类别: cs.简历 [cs.简历]重点在本工作中,我们使用一个生成的对抗性网络(GAN)来创建对抗性的例子来欺骗面部识别,并且我们在欺骗人脸识别方面取得了一个可接受的成功率。 87,标题一:用场景不可知论的混合增强区分视觉表示学习 作者:李思远;刘自成;狄武;刘子汉;李斯坦 类别:综合类突出:为了克服这些限制,我们系统地研究了两个子任务的目标,并提出了情景-农业混合SL和自我监督学习(SSL)场景,命名为 SAMix 。 第 88 条,标题:GAN - CNMP :一种交互式生成绘图工具 作者:埃塞阿达;尤努斯塞克尔;比那尔雅纳尔达 类别:cs.GR[cs.GR,人工智能,人工智能cs.LG,中国东北】突出:在这项工作中,我们提出了一个新的框架, GAN - CNMP ,它包含了一种新的对抗损失CNMP以增加素描的流畅性和一致性。 第 89 条,标题:信任评论家:具有初始收敛保证的无发生器和多用途 WG ANs 作者:特里斯坦米尔恩;蒂安比洛克;阿德里安纳克曼 CATEGORY: cs.LG[cs.LG,cs.CV,cs.NE,math.OC,49 Q 22,I.3.3;I.4.4;I.4.3]突出:从最优传输理论的思想启发,我们提出了信任的批评( TTC ),生成建模的新算法。第九十届会议,标题: 一种基于改进波束搜索和改进稳定秩的深度神经网络高效低秩压缩作者:叶文荣;姜秀贤;李元宗 类别: cs.LG [cs.LG, CS.人工智能简历] 突出:在这项工作中,我们提出了一个低秩压缩方法,利用一个修改后的波束搜索的自动排名选择和一个修订的稳定排名的压缩友好的培训。第 91 条,标题: 用于行为分析的多种弱监督源的自动综合作者:曾俊华;孙洁;岳怡松 类别: cs.LG [cs.LG, CS.简历] 突出:为了减少专家的努力,我们提出 Auto SWAP :自动合成数据高效的任务级标记函数的框架。第 92 条,标题: Loss Plot :一种更好的损失景观可视化方法作者:罗伯特·贝恩;米哈伊尔·托卡列夫;哈什·科塔里;拉胡尔·达米尼尼 类别:cs.LG[cs.LG,凯斯西储cs.HC] 突出:这项工作记录了我们的用户驱动的方法来创建一个平台,半自动化这个过程。第 93 条,标题: 变分自编码器的指数倾斜高斯先验作者:格里芬·弗洛托;斯特凡·克莱默;米哈伊·尼卡 类别:cs.LG[cs.LG,[法属哥伦比亚特区政府] 突出:为了缓解这个问题,我们提出了指数倾斜高斯先验分布的变分自编码器( VAE )。第九十四条,标题: Col ibri Doc :一种手眼自动套针对接系统作者:谢文·德赫加尼等。 类别: RO 号[ RO 号, CV 号] 突出:这项工作的目的是减少机器人安装准备手术任务之前的复杂性,因此,增加系统集成到临床工作流程的直观性。第 95 号决议,标题: 通过多任务学习改进儿童低级别胶质瘤的分割作者:帕托·瓦费基亚;马蒂亚斯·瓦格纳;乌里·塔博里;比尔吉特·厄特尔·瓦格纳:法尔扎德·哈尔瓦蒂 类别:第四组【第四、第五组】 突出:我们开发了一个分割模型训练磁共振成像( MRI )的低级别胶质瘤( pL GGs )的儿科患者的病儿医院(多伦多,安大略省,加拿大)。第九十六条,标题: 局部扰动弱监督分割胶质瘤脑肿瘤作者:萨吉斯·拉贾帕克萨;法扎德·卡尔瓦蒂 类别:第四组【第四、第五组】 突出:这项工作提出了使用局部扰动作为弱监督的解决方案,从预训练的 3D 分类模型提取分割面具的脑肿瘤。第 97 条,标题: 局部和全局学习 MRI 重建的对比学习作者:易巧思;刘金豪;胡乐;方发明;张贵旭 类别:第四组【第四、第五组】 突出:为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一个对比学习局部和全局学习磁共振重建网络( CLG Net )。第 98 条,标题: 基于全自动深度学习的胰腺导管腺癌 CT 检测框架作者:李华等. ==同步,由老年人纠正=@EERDER_MAN 突出:在这项研究中,最先进的深度学习模型被用于开发 PD AC 检测的自动框架,专注于小病灶。第九十九条,标题: 快速鲁棒加速 MRI 重建独立递归推理机级联数据一致性评估作者:卡尔卡鲁索;诺特布姆;胡尔斯特;福斯;凯恩 类别: EESS . IV 【 ESS . IV ,第四章,第五章】cs.LG,物理学 突出:这项工作提出了级联的独立递归推理机( CI RIM )评估 DC 通过展开优化,隐式梯度下降和显式的设计条款。

1, TITLE: EAGAN: Efficient Two-stage Evolutionary Architecture Search for GANs AUTHORS: Guohao Ying ; Xin He ; Bin Gao ; Bo Han ; Xiaowen Chu CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.NE]HIGHLIGHT: To alleviate the instability issue, we propose an efficient two-stage evolutionary algorithm (EA) based NAS framework to discover GANs, dubbed \textbf{EAGAN}. 2, TITLE: In-Bed Human Pose Estimation from Unseen and Privacy-Preserving Image Domains AUTHORS: Ting Cao ; Mohammad Ali Armin ; Simon Denman ; Lars Petersson ; David Ahmedt-Aristizabal CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG]HIGHLIGHT: Motivated by the effectiveness of self-supervised methods in learning features directly from data, we propose a multi-modal conditional variational autoencoder (MC-VAE) capable of reconstructing features from missing modalities seen during training. 3, TITLE: Anonymization for Skeleton Action Recognition AUTHORS: Myeonghyeon Kim ; Zhenyue Qin ; Yang Liu ; Dongwoo Kim CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG]HIGHLIGHT: We propose two variants of anonymization algorithms to protect the potential privacy leakage from the skeleton dataset. 4, TITLE: A Unified Pruning Framework for Vision Transformers AUTHORS: Hao Yu ; Jianxin Wu CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we design a unified framework for structural pruning of both ViTs and its variants, namely UP-ViTs. 5, TITLE: Voint Cloud: Multi-View Point Cloud Representation for 3D Understanding AUTHORS: Abdullah Hamdi ; Silvio Giancola ; Bernard Ghanem CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG, 68T45]HIGHLIGHT: To this end, we introduce the concept of the multi-view point cloud (Voint cloud), representing each 3D point as a set of features extracted from several view-points. 6, TITLE: Pyramid Adversarial Training Improves ViT Performance AUTHORS: CHARLES HERRMANN et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this work, we present Pyramid Adversarial Training, a simple and effective technique to improve ViT's overall performance. 7, TITLE: Seeking Salient Facial Regions for Cross-Database Micro-Expression Recognition AUTHORS: Xingxun Jiang ; Yuan Zong ; Wenming Zheng CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.AI]HIGHLIGHT: To deal with cross-database micro-expression recognition, we propose a novel domain adaption method called Transfer Group Sparse Regression (TGSR). 8, TITLE: A Dataset-Dispersion Perspective on Reconstruction Versus Recognition in Single-View 3D Reconstruction Networks AUTHORS: Yefan Zhou ; Yiru Shen ; Yujun Yan ; Chen Feng ; Yaoqing Yang CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: Thus, we introduce the dispersion score, a new data-driven metric, to quantify this leading factor and study its effect on NNs. 9, TITLE: MMPTRACK: Large-scale Densely Annotated Multi-camera Multiple People Tracking Benchmark AUTHORS: XIAOTIAN HAN et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we provide a large-scale densely-labeled multi-camera tracking dataset in five different environments with the help of an auto-annotation system. 10, TITLE: AirObject: A Temporally Evolving Graph Embedding for Object Identification AUTHORS: Nikhil Varma Keetha ; Chen Wang ; Yuheng Qiu ; Kuan Xu ; Sebastian Scherer CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.RO]HIGHLIGHT: In this context, we propose a novel temporal 3D object encoding approach, dubbed AirObject, to obtain global keypoint graph-based embeddings of objects. 11, TITLE: NeuSample: Neural Sample Field for Efficient View Synthesis AUTHORS: JIEMIN FANG et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.GR]HIGHLIGHT: We perform experiments on Realistic Synthetic 360$^{\circ}$ and Real Forward-Facing, two popular 3D scene sets, and show that NeuSample achieves better rendering quality than NeRF while enjoying a faster inference speed. 12, TITLE: Robust 3D Garment Digitization from Monocular 2D Images for 3D Virtual Try-On Systems AUTHORS: SAHIB MAJITHIA et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we develop a robust 3D garment digitization solution that can generalize well on real-world fashion catalog images with cloth texture occlusions and large body pose variations. 13, TITLE: HEAT: Holistic Edge Attention Transformer for Structured Reconstruction AUTHORS: Jiacheng Chen ; Yiming Qian ; Yasutaka Furukawa CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: This paper presents a novel attention-based neural network for structured reconstruction, which takes a 2D raster image as an input and reconstructs a planar graph depicting an underlying geometric structure. 14, TITLE: Low-light Image Enhancement Via Breaking Down The Darkness AUTHORS: Qiming Hu ; Xiaojie Guo CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: To seek results with satisfied lighting, cleanliness, and realism from degraded inputs, this paper presents a novel framework inspired by the divide-and-rule principle, greatly alleviating the degradation entanglement. 15, TITLE: TridentAdapt: Learning Domain-invariance Via Source-Target Confrontation and Self-induced Cross-domain Augmentation AUTHORS: Fengyi Shen ; Akhil Gurram ; Ahmet Faruk Tuna ; Onay Urfalioglu ; Alois Knoll CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we propose a novel trident-like architecture that enforces a shared feature encoder to satisfy confrontational source and target constraints simultaneously, thus learning a domain-invariant feature space. 16, TITLE: DiffSDFSim: Differentiable Rigid-Body Dynamics With Implicit Shapes AUTHORS: Michael Strecke ; Joerg Stueckler CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.GR, cs.LG, cs.RO]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we propose a novel approach to differentiable physics with frictional contacts which represents object shapes implicitly using signed distance fields (SDFs). 17, TITLE: Generative Convolution Layer for Image Generation AUTHORS: Seung Park ; Yong-Goo Shin CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: This paper introduces a novel convolution method, called generative convolution (GConv), which is simple yet effective for improving the generative adversarial network (GAN) performance. 18, TITLE: CRIS: CLIP-Driven Referring Image Segmentation AUTHORS: ZHAOQING WANG et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: Inspired by the recent advance in Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP), in this paper, we propose an end-to-end CLIP-Driven Referring Image Segmentation framework (CRIS). 19, TITLE: Morph Detection Enhanced By Structured Group Sparsity AUTHORS: Poorya Aghdaie ; Baaria Chaudhary ; Sobhan Soleymani ; Jeremy Dawson ; Nasser M. Nasrabadi CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we consider the challenge of face morphing attacks, which substantially undermine the integrity of face recognition systems such as those adopted for use in border protection agencies. 20, TITLE: CLIP Meets Video Captioners: Attribute-Aware Representation Learning Promotes Accurate Captioning AUTHORS: Bang Yang ; Yuexian Zou CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: Specifically, our empirical study on INP vs. CLIP shows that INP makes video caption models tricky to capture attributes' semantics and sensitive to irrelevant background information. 21, TITLE: Equitable Modelling of Brain Imaging By Counterfactual Augmentation with Morphologically Constrained 3D Deep Generative Models AUTHORS: GUILHERME POMBO et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG]HIGHLIGHT: We describe Countersynth, a conditional generative model of diffeomorphic deformations that induce label-driven, biologically plausible changes in volumetric brain images. 22, TITLE: EPose: Let's Make EfficientPose More Generally Applicable AUTHORS: Austin Lally ; Robert Bain ; Mazen Alotaibi CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper we try to improve on EfficientPose by giving it the ability to infer an object's size, and by simplifying both the data collection and loss calculations. 23, TITLE: FENeRF: Face Editing in Neural Radiance Fields AUTHORS: JINGXIANG SUN et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: To overcome these limitations, we propose FENeRF, a 3D-aware generator that can produce view-consistent and locally-editable portrait images. 24, TITLE: How Facial Features Convey Attention in Stationary Environments AUTHORS: Janelle Domantay CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: This paper aims to extend previous research on distraction detection by analyzing which visual features contribute most to predicting awareness and fatigue. 25, TITLE: Robust Partial-to-Partial Point Cloud Registration in A Full Range AUTHORS: Liang Pan ; Zhongang Cai ; Ziwei Liu CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this work, we propose Graph Matching Consensus Network (GMCNet), which estimates pose-invariant correspondences for fullrange 1 Partial-to-Partial point cloud Registration (PPR). 26, TITLE: PlantStereo: A Stereo Matching Benchmark for Plant Surface Dense Reconstruction AUTHORS: QINGYU WANG et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we aim to address the issue between datasets and models and propose a large scale stereo dataset with high accuracy disparity ground truth named PlantStereo. 27, TITLE: Shunted Self-Attention Via Multi-Scale Token Aggregation AUTHORS: Sucheng Ren ; Daquan Zhou ; Shengfeng He ; Jiashi Feng ; Xinchao Wang CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: To address this issue, we propose a novel and generic strategy, termed shunted self-attention~(SSA), that allows ViTs to model the attentions at hybrid scales per attention layer. 28, TITLE: LatentHuman: Shape-and-Pose Disentangled Latent Representation for Human Bodies AUTHORS: SANDRO LOMBARDI et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this work, we propose a novel neural implicit representation for the human body, which is fully differentiable and optimizable with disentangled shape and pose latent spaces. 29, TITLE: Semi-Supervised 3D Hand Shape and Pose Estimation with Label Propagation AUTHORS: Samira Kaviani ; Amir Rahimi ; Richard Hartley CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: To tackle this issue in the context of semi-supervised 3D hand shape and pose estimation, we propose the Pose Alignment network to propagate 3D annotations from labelled frames to nearby unlabelled frames in sparsely annotated videos. 30, TITLE: Aerial Images Meet Crowdsourced Trajectories: A New Approach to Robust Road Extraction AUTHORS: LINGBO LIU et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.AI]HIGHLIGHT: In this work, we focus on a challenging task of land analysis, i.e., automatic extraction of traffic roads from remote sensing data, which has widespread applications in urban development and expansion estimation. 31, TITLE: The MIS Check-Dam Dataset for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation Tasks AUTHORS: Chintan Tundia ; Rajiv Kumar ; Om Damani ; G. Sivakumar CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we introduce MIS Check-Dam, a new dataset of check-dams from satellite imagery for building an automated system for the detection and mapping of check-dams, focusing on the importance of irrigation structures used for agriculture. 32, TITLE: Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation Via Spatial and Multi-Scale Aware Visual Class Embedding AUTHORS: Sungguk Cha ; Yooseung Wang CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we address L-ZSSS has a limitation in generalization which is a virtue of zero-shot learning. 33, TITLE: Hallucinated Neural Radiance Fields in The Wild AUTHORS: XINGYU CHEN et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.AI]HIGHLIGHT: To solve this problem, we present an end-to-end framework for constructing a hallucinated NeRF, dubbed as H-NeRF. 34, TITLE: Automatic Tracing of Mandibular Canal Pathways Using Deep Learning AUTHORS: Mrinal Kanti Dhar ; Zeyun Yu CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: Here, we propose a deep learning-based framework to detect mandibular canals from CBCT data. 35, TITLE: SamplingAug: On The Importance of Patch Sampling Augmentation for Single Image Super-Resolution AUTHORS: SHIZUN WANG et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.AI]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we present a simple yet effective data augmentation method. 36, TITLE: MapReader: A Computer Vision Pipeline for The Semantic Exploration of Maps at Scale AUTHORS: Kasra Hosseini ; Daniel C. S. Wilson ; Kaspar Beelen ; Katherine McDonough CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.SE]HIGHLIGHT: We present MapReader, a free, open-source software library written in Python for analyzing large map collections (scanned or born-digital). 37, TITLE: The Devil Is in The Margin: Margin-based Label Smoothing for Network Calibration AUTHORS: Bingyuan Liu ; Ismail Ben Ayed ; Adrian Galdran ; Jose Dolz CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG]HIGHLIGHT: Following our observations, we propose a simple and flexible generalization based on inequality constraints, which imposes a controllable margin on logit distances. 38, TITLE: Human Imperceptible Attacks and Applications to Improve Fairness AUTHORS: Xinru Hua ; Huanzhong Xu ; Jose Blanchet ; Viet Nguyen CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: We provide a Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) framework which integrates human-based image quality assessment methods to design optimal attacks that are imperceptible to humans but significantly damaging to deep neural networks. 39, TITLE: Reconstruction Student with Attention for Student-Teacher Pyramid Matching AUTHORS: Shinji Yamada ; Kazuhiro Hotta CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, eess.IV]HIGHLIGHT: Here we proposed a powerful method which compensates for the shortcomings of STPM. 40, TITLE: Semi-Local Convolutions for LiDAR Scan Processing AUTHORS: Larissa T. Triess ; David Peter ; J. Marius Z�llner CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG]HIGHLIGHT: Therefore, we propose semi local convolution (SLC), a convolution layer with reduced amount of weight-sharing along the vertical dimension. 41, TITLE: ConDA: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for LiDAR Segmentation Via Regularized Domain Concatenation AUTHORS: Lingdong Kong ; Niamul Quader ; Venice Erin Liong CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.RO]HIGHLIGHT: In this work, we improve and extend on this aspect. 42, TITLE: Deformable ProtoPNet: An Interpretable Image Classifier Using Deformable Prototypes AUTHORS: Jon Donnelly ; Alina Jade Barnett ; Chaofan Chen CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.LG]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we address this shortcoming by proposing a case-based interpretable neural network that provides spatially flexible prototypes, called a deformable prototypical part network (Deformable ProtoPNet). 43, TITLE: AdaViT: Adaptive Vision Transformers for Efficient Image Recognition AUTHORS: LINGCHEN MENG et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we argue that due to the large variations among images, their need for modeling long-range dependencies between patches differ. 44, TITLE: 360MonoDepth: High-Resolution 360� Monocular Depth Estimation AUTHORS: Manuel Rey-Area ; Mingze Yuan ; Christian Richardt CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this work, we propose a flexible framework for monocular depth estimation from high-resolution 360{\deg} images using tangent images. 45, TITLE: HyperStyle: StyleGAN Inversion with HyperNetworks for Real Image Editing AUTHORS: Yuval Alaluf ; Omer Tov ; Ron Mokady ; Rinon Gal ; Amit H. Bermano CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this work, we introduce this approach into the realm of encoder-based inversion. 46, TITLE: ZZ-Net: A Universal Rotation Equivariant Architecture for 2D Point Clouds AUTHORS: Georg B�kman ; Fredrik Kahl ; Axel Flinth CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we are concerned with rotation equivariance on 2D point cloud data. 47, TITLE: ATS: Adaptive Token Sampling For Efficient Vision Transformers AUTHORS: MOHSEN FAYYAZ et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this work, we, therefore, introduce a differentiable parameter-free Adaptive Token Sampling (ATS) module, which can be plugged into any existing vision transformer architecture. 48, TITLE: Spatio-Temporal Multi-Flow Network for Video Frame Interpolation AUTHORS: Duolikun Danier ; Fan Zhang ; David Bull CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, eess.IV]HIGHLIGHT: In this context, we present a novel deep learning based VFI method, ST-MFNet, based on a Spatio-Temporal Multi-Flow architecture. 49, TITLE: Automated Damage Inspection of Power Transmission Towers from UAV Images AUTHORS: Aleixo Cambeiro Barreiro ; Clemens Seibold ; Anna Hilsmann ; Peter Eisert CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: Our main contributions are the development of a system for damage detection on remotely acquired drone images, applying techniques to overcome the issue of data scarcity and ambiguity, as well as the evaluation of the viability of such an approach to solve this particular problem. 50, TITLE: MC-SSL0.0: Towards Multi-Concept Self-Supervised Learning AUTHORS: Sara Atito ; Muhammad Awais ; Ammarah Farooq ; Zhenhua Feng ; Josef Kittler CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG]HIGHLIGHT: This study aims to investigate the possibility of modelling all the concepts present in an image without using labels. 51, TITLE: Large-Scale Video Analytics Through Object-Level Consolidation AUTHORS: Daniel Rivas ; Francesc Guim ; Jord� Polo ; David Carrera CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.NI]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we present FoMO (Focus on Moving Objects). 52, TITLE: Point Cloud Instance Segmentation with Semi-supervised Bounding-Box Mining AUTHORS: YONGBIN LIAO et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.AI]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we introduce the first semi-supervised point cloud instance segmentation framework (SPIB) using both labeled and unlabelled bounding boxes as supervision. 53, TITLE: Affect-DML: Context-Aware One-Shot Recognition of Human Affect Using Deep Metric Learning AUTHORS: KUNYU PENG et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we conceptualize one-shot recognition of emotions in context -- a new problem aimed at recognizing human affect states in finer particle level from a single support sample. 54, TITLE: Image Denoising By Super Neurons: Why Go Deep? AUTHORS: Junaid Malik ; Serkan Kiranyaz ; Moncef Gabbouj CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG]HIGHLIGHT: As the integration of non-local information is known to benefit denoising, in this work we investigate the use of super neurons for both synthetic and real-world image denoising. 55, TITLE: AssistSR: Affordance-centric Question-driven Video Segment Retrieval AUTHORS: Stan Weixian Lei ; Yuxuan Wang ; Dongxing Mao ; Difei Gao ; Mike Zheng Shou CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In contrast, we present a new task called Affordance-centric Question-driven Video Segment Retrieval (AQVSR). 56, TITLE: Camera Distortion-aware 3D Human Pose Estimation in Video with Optimization-based Meta-Learning AUTHORS: Hanbyel Cho ; Yooshin Cho ; Jaemyung Yu ; Junmo Kim CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective model for 3D human pose estimation in video that can quickly adapt to any distortion environment by utilizing MAML, a representative optimization-based meta-learning algorithm. 57, TITLE: NeeDrop: Self-supervised Shape Representation from Sparse Point Clouds Using Needle Dropping AUTHORS: Alexandre Boulch ; Pierre-Alain Langlois ; Gilles Puy ; Renaud Marlet CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.CG, cs.LG]HIGHLIGHT: In contrast, we introduce {\method}, an self-supervised method for learning shape representations from possibly extremely sparse point clouds. 58, TITLE: Revisiting Temporal Alignment for Video Restoration AUTHORS: Kun Zhou ; Wenbo Li ; Liying Lu ; Xiaoguang Han ; Jiangbo Lu CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this work, we present a novel, generic iterative alignment module which employs a gradual refinement scheme for sub-alignments, yielding more accurate motion compensation. 59, TITLE: Two-stage Temporal Modelling Framework for Video-based Depression Recognition Using Graph Representation AUTHORS: Jiaqi Xu ; Siyang Song ; Keerthy Kusumam ; Hatice Gunes ; Michel Valstar CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, 68T40, I.2.1]HIGHLIGHT: In this sense, we propose a two-stage framework that models depression severity from multi-scale short-term and video-level facial behaviours. 60, TITLE: Adaptive Gating for Single-Photon 3D Imaging AUTHORS: Ryan Po ; Adithya Pediredla ; Ioannis Gkioulekas CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: We propose an adaptive gating scheme built upon Thompson sampling. 61, TITLE: NeRFReN: Neural Radiance Fields with Reflections AUTHORS: Yuan-Chen Guo ; Di Kang ; Linchao Bao ; Yu He ; Song-Hai Zhang CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.GR]HIGHLIGHT: Specifically, we propose to split a scene into transmitted and reflected components, and model the two components with separate neural radiance fields. 62, TITLE: DAFormer: Improving Network Architectures and Training Strategies for Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation AUTHORS: Lukas Hoyer ; Dengxin Dai ; Luc Van Gool CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: As acquiring pixel-wise annotations of real-world images for semantic segmentation is a costly process, a model can instead be trained with more accessible synthetic data and adapted to real images without requiring their annotations. 63, TITLE: EdiBERT, A Generative Model for Image Editing AUTHORS: Thibaut Issenhuth ; Ugo Tanielian ; J�r�mie Mary ; David Picard CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we aim at making a step towards a unified approach for image editing. 64, TITLE: MultiPath++: Efficient Information Fusion and Trajectory Aggregation for Behavior Prediction AUTHORS: BALAKRISHNAN VARADARAJAN et. al. CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.RO]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we present MultiPath++, a future prediction model that achieves state-of-the-art performance on popular benchmarks. 65, TITLE: Multi-modal Text Recognition Networks: Interactive Enhancements Between Visual and Semantic Features AUTHORS: Byeonghu Na ; Yoonsik Kim ; Sungrae Park CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: This paper introduces a novel method, called Multi-modAl Text Recognition Network (MATRN), that enables interactions between visual and semantic features for better recognition performances. 66, TITLE: Unsupervised Domain Generalization for Person Re-identification: A Domain-specific Adaptive Framework AUTHORS: Lei Qi ; Lei Wang ; Yinghuan Shi ; Xin Geng CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we turn to investigate unsupervised domain generalization for ReID, by assuming that no label is available for any source domains. 67, TITLE: Regularized Directional Representations for Medical Image Registration AUTHORS: Vincent Jaouen ; Pierre-Henri Conze ; Guillaume Dardenne ; Julien Bert ; Dimitris Visvikis CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: Following this research path, we propose a new method for mono- and multimodal image registration based on the alignment of regularized vector fields derived from structural information such as gradient vector flow fields, a technique we call \textit{vector field similarity}. 68, TITLE: ESL: Event-based Structured Light AUTHORS: Manasi Muglikar ; Guillermo Gallego ; Davide Scaramuzza CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: We propose a novel structured-light system using an event camera to tackle the problem of accurate and high-speed depth sensing. 69, TITLE: SketchEdit: Mask-Free Local Image Manipulation with Partial Sketches AUTHORS: Yu Zeng ; Zhe Lin ; Vishal M. Patel CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.MM]HIGHLIGHT: To this end, we investigate a new paradigm of sketch-based image manipulation: mask-free local image manipulation, which only requires sketch inputs from users and utilizes the entire original image. 70, TITLE: RADU: Ray-Aligned Depth Update Convolutions for ToF Data Denoising AUTHORS: Michael Schelling ; Pedro Hermosilla ; Timo Ropinski CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we propose an iterative denoising approach operating in 3D space, that is designed to learn on 2.5D data by enabling 3D point convolutions to correct the points' positions along the view direction. 71, TITLE: Learning Multiple Dense Prediction Tasks from Partially Annotated Data AUTHORS: Wei-Hong Li ; Xialei Liu ; Hakan Bilen CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we present a label efficient approach and look at jointly learning of multiple dense prediction tasks on partially annotated data, which we call multi-task partially-supervised learning. 72, TITLE: Hole-robust Wireframe Detection AUTHORS: Naejin Kong ; Kiwoong Park ; Harshith Goka CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: We show qualitatively and quantitatively that our approach significantly outperforms previous works unable to handle holes, as well as improves ordinary detection without holes given. 73, TITLE: Leveraging The Topological Consistencies of Learning in Deep Neural Networks AUTHORS: Stuart Synakowski ; Fabian Benitez-Quiroz ; Aleix M. Martinez CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.LG]HIGHLIGHT: In this work, we define a new class of topological features that accurately characterize the progress of learning while being quick to compute during running time. 74, TITLE: ARTSeg: Employing Attention for Thermal Images Semantic Segmentation AUTHORS: Farzeen Munir ; Shoaib Azam ; Unse Fatima ; Moongu Jeon CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.AI]HIGHLIGHT: In this work, we have employed the thermal camera for semantic segmentation. 75, TITLE: Neural Attention for Image Captioning: Review of Outstanding Methods AUTHORS: Zanyar Zohourianshahzadi ; Jugal K. Kalita CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this survey, we provide a review of literature related to attentive deep learning models for image captioning. 76, TITLE: A Face Recognition System's Worst Morph Nightmare, Theoretically AUTHORS: Una M. Kelly ; Raymond Veldhuis ; Luuk Spreeuwers CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: We propose a method to create a third, different type of morph, that has the advantage of being easier to train. 77, TITLE: Attentive Prototypes for Source-free Unsupervised Domain Adaptive 3D Object Detection AUTHORS: Deepti Hegde ; Vishal Patel CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: We propose a single-frame approach for source-free, unsupervised domain adaptation of lidar-based 3D object detectors that uses class prototypes to mitigate the effect pseudo-label noise. 78, TITLE: CT-block: A Novel Local and Global Features Extractor for Point Cloud AUTHORS: Shangwei Guo ; Jun Li ; Zhengchao Lai ; Xiantong Meng ; Shaokun Han CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we propose a novel module that can simultaneously extract and fuse local and global features, which is named as CT-block. 79, TITLE: Hyperspectral Image Segmentation Based on Graph Processing Over Multilayer Networks AUTHORS: Songyang Zhang ; Qinwen Deng ; Zhi Ding CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, eess.SP]HIGHLIGHT: Leveraging on the recent-developed graph signal processing over multilayer networks (M-GSP), this work proposes several approaches to HSI segmentation based on M-GSP feature extraction. 80, TITLE: PolyWorld: Polygonal Building Extraction with Graph Neural Networks in Satellite Images AUTHORS: Stefano Zorzi ; Shabab Bazrafkan ; Stefan Habenschuss ; Friedrich Fraundorfer CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: This paper introduces PolyWorld, a neural network that directly extracts building vertices from an image and connects them correctly to create precise polygons. 81, TITLE: Diffusion Autoencoders: Toward A Meaningful and Decodable Representation AUTHORS: Konpat Preechakul ; Nattanat Chatthee ; Suttisak Wizadwongsa ; Supasorn Suwajanakorn CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: Our key idea is to use a learnable encoder for discovering the high-level semantics, and a DPM as the decoder for modeling the remaining stochastic variations. 82, TITLE: Probabilistic Estimation of 3D Human Shape and Pose with A Semantic Local Parametric Model AUTHORS: Akash Sengupta ; Ignas Budvytis ; Roberto Cipolla CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In contrast, we present a method that (i) predicts distributions over local body shape in the form of semantic body measurements and (ii) uses a linear mapping to transform a local distribution over body measurements to a global distribution over SMPL shape parameters. 83, TITLE: HRNET: AI on Edge for Mask Detection and Social Distancing AUTHORS: Kinshuk Sengupta ; Praveen Ranjan Srivastava CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, cs.AI]HIGHLIGHT: The purpose of the paper is to provide innovative emerging technology framework for community to combat epidemic situations. 84, TITLE: FMD-cGAN: Fast Motion Deblurring Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks AUTHORS: Jatin Kumar ; Indra Deep Mastan ; Shanmuganathan Raman CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV, eess.IV, I.4.3; I.4.4]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we present a Fast Motion Deblurring-Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (FMD-cGAN) that helps in blind motion deblurring of a single image. 85, TITLE: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: A Reality Check AUTHORS: Kevin Musgrave ; Serge Belongie ; Ser-Nam Lim CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this paper, we show via large-scale experimentation that 1) in the oracle setting, the difference in accuracy between UDA algorithms is smaller than previously thought, 2) state-of-the-art validation methods are not well-correlated with accuracy, and 3) differences between UDA algorithms are dwarfed by the drop in accuracy caused by validation methods. 86, TITLE: Using A GAN to Generate Adversarial Examples to Facial Image Recognition AUTHORS: Andrew Merrigan ; Alan F. Smeaton CATEGORY: cs.CV [cs.CV]HIGHLIGHT: In this

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